Chapter 2 - Unpacking; boxes and trauma

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I gasped awake, a cold sweat dripping down my back and forehead. I looked into the darkness of my room, my breath hitching as I looked at the boy from my dream, sitting in the loft. He seemed to be smiling at me, waving a greeting. I blinked, rubbing my eyes with closed fists as I tried to get rid of the vision.
When I re-opened my eyes, he was gone. I let out a sigh, shaking my head as pictures Same dream, same vision, every night... I looked outside, noticing that the stars were still out and the sky was still dark. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was 3:39 am, a time that seemed all too familiar to me.

I stretched my limbs and got out of bed, deciding that I might as well start unpacking, since I was already awake. I began again by walking over to the sheet underneath the loft. It had already been up to when Mable and I arrived for our very first summer, and we hadn't bothered to take it down.
However, I already knew what was behind it, and had not told my twin about it so that it could be my personal little hideaway. I took down the sheet, grinning at the beautiful window seat. The window was large and rectangular, unlike the small triangular one beside my bed.

The window seat was made of wood, and it was kind of dirty due to the fact that no one used it as of late, but I knew that I would turn the entire underneath of the loft into a reading space. I rushed over and threw open the window, laughing as the cool night air rushed in to meet me.

That's when I noticed something I hadn't before. Looking out the window, I could clearly see the large tree that was always present in my dream. It was the one I always seem to be sitting in when... when the yellow-eyed bot arrived.
I simply shook my head as I do so often on a daily basis, once again dispelling my uncertain thoughts. I took another breath, breathing in determination as I rolled up my sleeves and marched over to my boxes, moving a few of the larger ones towards the window. I opened said boxes, which contained the deconstructed pieces of my many bookshelves and started taking out the wood. 

I got out what little tools I had with me and got to work on building my bookshelves and then placing one on each side of the window, as well as three along both sides of the walls. Thankfully, the back of the shelves was closed off, instead of having the books accessible on both sides. Therefore, I was able to place the remaining two shelves at the ends, the backs facing towards the rest of the room so that I had a semi-inclosed space with just enough room between both shelves for me to walk in as though it were a proper doorway.

I began placing all my books on the shelves, along with many little personal trinkets that I had brought with me. Once I was done with the reading space, I returned to the rest of the boxes, opening each of them to see what I had left to unpack. I placed my clothes in the closet after I had cleaned it, placed my beside tabled ad small lamps on either side of my bed, and placed my laundry bin in the corner beside the closet. 

I looked around the room, trying to distinguish what seemed to be missing. I looked around my reading space once more, closing the window whilst I mentally listed things that I would have to buy to make the room feel complete. Curtains, extra blankets, pillows, shelves, etc; I smiled at how my room looked so far.
I looked up at the loft, noticing that there was a window as well, and plenty of room... perhaps instead of turning the entire attic into an office, I would turn the loft into one. I already had all my office supplies, which consisted of my rolltop desk, computer and desk chair in the room next to mine, but with a little help, I would be able to move it all.

I made my way back to bed, sitting down and pulling out my phone. A few minutes past, before I started hearing whispers. I ignored them, shrugging it off and pinning the noise on the wind outside. However, they kept getting louder until I saw someone appear in the loft, smiling at me. It was the boy from my dream. Blond hair, yellow snake eyes and freckles were all too familiar to me now. 

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