Chapter 8 - Hush, little pine tree

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It was extremely cold, and I didn't know why. I could feel myself shivering as I sat in the tree. Bill flipped himself upside down from the branch above me, startling me.

"Bill! Don't do that!" I laughed, Bill giggling as he dropped down beside me, snuggling into my side. I grinned as I ran my hair through his fluffy blond hair; He always loved it when I did that. "Watcha writing, lovely?" He questioned curiously, looking at my journal. I blushed at the nickname-


- knowing that was the exact reaction he was hoping for. I just rolled my eyes, tousling his hair without answering as I looked up at the darkening sky, frowning slightly when I heard Bill say beside me; "Somethings wrong," Without any warning, the wind picked up, -


-  and almost threw us out of the tree.
"What the fuck?" I exclaimed, looking up at the sky that was rapidly turning a mix of reds and oranges. "
No!" I yelled as the sky split, a giant X appearing in the bloodied sky, like a beautifully chaotic painting tearing at the seams. "
Bill! What's going on?" -


- I yelled over the screaming of others below in the town, and he just shook his head. "I Don't know." A white lig- 

"Don't open your eyes, I'll keep you safe. Just trust me, Pine tree, and they'll leave us be."


I gasped awake,  sitting bolt upright in bed as I looked around frantically, sweat dripping down my forehead. I looked at Bill, who looked just about as panicked as I felt.
"Are you okay?" He asked, frowning. I slowly nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.
"I... I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to wake you, I-"
Bill gently shushed me, patting my back and thoroughly surprising me.
"Don't apologize, Pine tree, you can't control your nightmares..." Bill said softly. I nodded, letting out a small sigh of relief that he wasn't upset since I still hadn't gotten over how angry he had gotten when he dragged me out of the tree. Bill bit his lip as if making a difficult and risky decision.

"What if we watched a movie? or read a book?" He asked, looking at me with soft eyes. on the contrary, my eyes widened.
"What?" I asked, stunned. Bill huffed, narrowing his eyes.
"I'm not gonna repeat myself, Pine tree." He said, and I rolled my eyes, getting over the initial shock.
"Yeah, cuz you're so big and tough, Mr. demon man." I chuckled out. Now it was Bill's turn to roll his eyes.

"Go get your journal, I want to see what kind of research you've done so far." Bill hummed, and I sighed.
"I know what you're doing, Bill. Don't worry so much, I'm fine. It was just..." I paused as small flashes of the sky splitting returned, making my breath hitch for a moment.
"I'm fine, okay? Thanks for your help, Dorito." I thanked him, offering Bill a small smile. Bill looked hesitant, but nodded and smiled pack.
"All right, Pine tree, sleep well." Bill said quietly as we laid back down.
"Sleep well, Bill."

Hours later, I awoke to find Bill starfished on the bed, only leaving enough room on the bed for me if I was on his chest. And where was I? On the floor. I woke up on the floor because this demon decided in his sleep that my queen-sized bed was too small for the both of us.
I huffed, stretching my aching muscles and stood up, standing up and hitting Bill in the stomach with my pillow. He gasped awake, sitting up as he caught his breath, which had been knocked out of him when I hit him with the pillow.

"What was that for?" Bill whined sleepily, rubbing his eye with his fist as though he was only a little kid.
"You kicked me out of my own bed!" I whisper-yelled, my hands on my hips.
"'M sorry, Dipper. I won't do it again." He yawned out apologetically. I sighed, nodding.
"Alright," I said quietly, satisfied with the apology. Bill gave me a tired grin before flopping back onto the bed, cuddling up under my blankets and with my pillows.
I rolled my eyes, chuckling softly as I made my way up into the loft, mixing the different kinds of milk up just in time for Freud to start squeaking. I quickly fed him then let him go back to sleep. While he slept, I busied myself with doing research and writing things down.

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