Chapter 3 - Explanations from a Damnable Dorito

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I stood there in shock and fear as the demon sat in front of me, his single eye watching me intently.
"Why- why are you-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I backed away, panic coming over me in waves. I felt hot tears slide down my cheeks as I turned to run out of the room, but the door slammed shut before I could even take a step toward it. 

I turned to look at Bill, and it was clear that he was not the one who had closed the door. His eye was widened in shock and a hint of confusion, and so I turned and tried to open the door. It was locked, yet I continued to try and open the door, wanting, no, needing to get out of here.
"It's useless, pine tree. They won't let either of us leave until-" he paused, growling, "until you get your 'justice' for what happened at weirdmagedon." He huffed, crossing his arms. 

I stopped trying to open the door, turning to look at the dream demon once again.
"W-What?" I questioned, slowly calming down after the initial shock of seeing him. He sighed, hovering slightly above my bed.
"Well, the higher demons have been annoyed with me ever since weirdmagedon, and have been looking for some sort of punishment, so now I'm here." 

He explained. I was still confused, so many questions running through my mind. "But I thought- Stan his mind he- how?" Bill sighed, annoyed.
"I did say higher demons, didn't I? Pay attention, Pine tree. There are more powerful demons than me, you know. They're just boring and don't like screwing around with humans." He explained, "And because I did screw around with humans they wanted to 'punish me'," he snarled out the final two words before continuing to speak, "so now I'm here, and I somehow need to fix the things I've broken, thus giving you your justice. "

"but... but everything that was broken was fixed after- after the incident. " I avoided the word, not liking the word for what really happened. Bill hummed knowingly, blinking slowly. "Yes, I know- WHAT THE FUCK?!?" He screeched suddenly, a white light blinding me as Bill was enveloped in it. 

After a few moments of having my eyes fried like an egg, the light finally disappeared. I slowly opened my eyes, being met with the sight of a very happy demon. But, my heart dropped once again.
"You-You're the boy from my dream?" I asked, astonished. The demon-boy just cackled, a grin on his face as he rushed to find a mirror, completely ignoring my question. He opened the closet, pausing when he saw himself in the glass.
He stared at himself for a moment, before a look of confusion came over his face. He looked at his hand, opening and closing his fist. Soon, he looked panicked. He jumped, falling to the ground and landing on his bottom. He looked at me, his face sketching into that of anger. He looked furious.

"You did this!" He yelled, standing up and making his way towards me. "They took away my powers, all because you wanted justice!" He screamed as I backed away, my back hitting the door. I fumbled with the doorknob, finally finding it unlocked. I swung the door open and scrambled out of the room, the angry demon chasing after me. 

I ran down the stairs, tripping halfway down and tumbling down the rest of the way, making my vision go black for a moment. I heard Bill coming down the stairs as my vision returned and I tried to get away, which was hard with my head feeling as though a tanker truck had hit it full force.
He picked me up by my shirt collar and pinned me to the wall. He raised his fist to punch me, and I instinctively lifted my hands up to guard my face. I was suddenly dropped and I fell to the floor, Bill crying out as he gripped his chest.

After only a few seconds, Bill stopped writhing in pain and panted, looking at me again. I whimpered, cowering against the wall as he looked at me. I hadn't even noticed I was crying until now. 
His eyes widened in surprise and realization, but the realization of what? I didn't know.
"oh..." was all he said, frowning as he backed away, quickly heading back upstairs and leaving me alone to sob.

He came back a minute later with a first aid kit, once again looking pissed as he put it on the ground and kicked it towards me. I was too preoccupied with battling thoughts of weirdmagedon and getting enough air in my lungs to really realize.
"Well? Take the fucking kit, then! If you're hurt, fix it!" He growled, making me flinch violently. He groaned, rolling his eyes.
"Fine, sit there and cry, pine tree." He huffed, sauntering off into the kitchen. I sat alone, crying for what felt like hours.
I eventually fell asleep, the cold floor cradling me as I slept and dreamt the same dream I do every night, along with some newly added nightmares. 

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