📝 How To Study Smarter! -Ashima

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Studying for exams and quizzes can be quite difficult, and sometimes it's hard to know what exactly you need to do to study in the most effective manner. Today, I'll be sharing 10 tips for you guys to study smarter and easier. 

• Spread out your studying and study in short chunks 

Short study sessions allow your brain to better absorb information than long study sessions with loads of information does. Don't cram in loads of studying into one day. Instead, spread it out over the span of days, as it'll stress you out less and will also help you better absorb the info. 

• Set goals

Make a list of study goals and tick them off when you complete them. Not only will it motivate you and give you a sense of achievement, but it will also help you feel in control and reduce any study stress.

• Test yourself 

Practice tests are a good way to see where you're at, and where you might need to focus. If you come across something tricky in your readings, make a note of it and remember to test yourself later for a challenge.

• Use Flash Cards

Your brain stores information better when you've written something down after you're read or heard it. So this means you'll probably have to lose the highlighter and start writing the essentials on flashcards. 

• Read aloud and recall

Whether it's by yourself, with a friend or family member, read your flashcards and summaries out loud. A handy trick is to close your eyes and try to recall what you/they say to help further implement the topics into your head. 

• Aim to teach it

To teach a subject, you have to know it well enough to pass it on to other people. If you aim to teach the subject, whether to a friend, classmate, or family member, you can ensure that you know the topic well enough to pass the test. Of course, you have to be sure that you have your fact straight and you have memorized the correct facts. I'd recommend using this after using flashcards (or whatever method you used to study) to see if you learned the topic and facts well. You know that if you can teach it, you have learned it, and if you can't and keep forgetting things, you need to work on it more. 

• Sleep well and exercise

You absorb information better when you're alert, well-fed, and rested – and even better after you've exercised. It's important to ensure you've consumed nutritious foods to get your brain powered up – things like fish, nuts, berries, and yogurt. It also pays to stay hydrated and get up to move in between your 30-minute sessions.

• Remove any distractions 

It's easy to get distracted when studying, so try to set up a space somewhere in your house where you can study in peace and quiet. Gather any book and items you will need. Remove distractions, such as your phone, and stay away from social media. 

• Ask for help if you need it!

If you're stuck on something, or something just doesn't seem to make sense, you can always ask for help. Talk to your teachers or lecturers about the things you don't understand. Talk to your friends and fellow students too. You don't have to do this all on your own! 

• Stay motivated  

When you're studying it helps to keep in mind your reasons for doing all this hard work, like a course or career you're working towards. It can help to have something in your study space to remind you of your goals. You could also decorate your study space with inspirational quotes or photos of people you admire and family members you want to make proud of you. Another great idea is to make a dream/vision board! (A dream board or vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation.)

And that's it! I hope these tips help you guys study better in the future and help you achieve all your dreams and goals in school. :) 

- Ashima (AutumnDahlia5)

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