The time is here, and all the guidance counselors from around the world are coming upto students and asking them, "Do you know what courses you want to take?" Most of us hitch a breath and nod, but do we really know? Do we even know what we want to be when we grow up? I, Belle, don't know yet. I have so many interests cramped up in my brain. I have, medicine, law, finance and I'm going to 11th grade in a matter of months! But, here's when I come in and help you.
Firstly, seek your interests. Whether it be writing, drawing, building, animating, I bet there are courses out there, that support your path.
Secondly, research it. Is it really that useful? My friend is going to be an animator, yet she is taking programming and Digital Information Technology. Those don't seem useful, but it will help her to code if she makes a digital drawing. She is taking Theatre too, is it useful? Of course it is!
Don't overthink the usefulness too! It might come in handy! She's taking Art History, and so far, it has nothing to do with her career, but she still will need it. It helps her analyze drawings and other art works.
Thirdly, don't stick to a plan. It is kind of boring, sticking to the rules. Take what courses you find interesting, don't just stick to one thing. Experiment, you might find something interesting. I took Law, and I thought it was annoying at first, but I ended up loving it. And, here I am now taking Anatomy, and.. Economics!
If you ever need help with your courses, you can always PM my main account, which is on the bio. Good luck deciding, and I wish you luck!
~ Belle

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