I've had problems waking up early for a long time but over spring break this year I took the time to reset my sleep schedule and came out with a few tips for you all to wake up early!
1. Set a schedule. This means waking up and going to sleep at the same time every day (including weekends). Even if you sleep very little, you can still wake up on time if you maintain a schedule. Sometimes setting a schedule will mean having to completely reset your current habits first, but it will definitely be worth it.
2. Set your alarm on a phone. I personally think this is better than an alarm clock because you can't just reach over and hit a button to turn it off or snooze.
3. Walk around. A lot of people put their alarm across the room so they can't go back to sleep, but that has never worked for me (I usually just go across the room, turn it off, and go back to sleep). A good trick is to pull open your blinds, because that requires getting up, walking around, and focusing on something.
4. Make your bed. No doubt you've heard this one before. This is the second thing I do every morning. It doesn't work for everyone, but once I make my bed I hate to mess it up, so I won't go back to sleep on it.
5. Splash your face with cold water. Again, this doesn't work for everyone, but whenever I'm really tired it wakes me up immediately.
6. Do yoga or work out. This will get your blood flowing and wake you up. Stretching is great to do in the morning not only because it helps you wake up, but also because you're usually tight after sleeping, and it helps you loosen up.
So those are my tips for waking up early! I hope these helped you because they've definitely helped me a ton. Comment any questions or suggestions below!
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