How to finally get work done!

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All of us have felt those times in where we just lay on the floor, contemplating life, have tons and tons of homework piling up and are on the verge of a mental breakdown because online classes is hitting you hard in the face........... or maybe that's just me 😂


Anywho! Here are some tips to help you get your work done:

Have a morning routine 🔅

We can't be productive if our routine sounds like 'wake up, do online classes'. No That is too vague! Make sure to be specific in the tasks that you have to do BEFORE you do work. Having a morning routine really helps you set the mood for the day to be productive and put you in the right mindset.

For example (you don't have to copy this)

⚫Wake up at 7:00
⚫7:00-7:30- devotion
⚫8:00-8:30- exercise
⚫8:30-9:00- shower
⚫9:00-9:30- get ready
⚫9:30-10:00- breakfast
⚫10:00-6:00- online classes (with breaks of course)

Have a study space 💺📁

We can't concentrate if we are expose to loud noises and limitless distractions surrounding us. Find a study space! Don't study in your bed. I know it's comfy and soft but hear me out, your bed is not the place for work. If it's too quiet, put on some music! Non-lyrical like lofi-hiphop, piano or jazz and more.

♠ Eliminate distractions 📵🔇

Before you work, eliminate all distractions, that is your phone of course, put it on silent or in another room unless that's where you do your schoolwork. Don't play with your pets yet, put away other unessecary gadgets , don't go near TV's, etc.

set STRONG intentions 👑👊

Ask yourself why are you doing this? What is this all for? For my grades? For my family? My free time later?  So I don't stress myself getting it done last minute? To make my friends proud? Whatever it is, having an INTENTION or VISION on why you are doing your work is very effective on achieving things.

♠ Prioritize 📝✔

Sometimes when we do work, we want to multi-task and  get everything done and try to do as much as possible so we "don't waste time" But the fact is, You should prioritize! What is most IMPORTANT and most URGENT are the tasks you should be doing first. Do the hardest first! Even if it you don't like it. You'll be proud of yourself for  getting the hardest task done and you can have time for animal crossing. (I mean-)

Write a to-do list/ schedule 📃✏

I promise, I PROMISE YOU, This is sooooo effective! If you know which tasks you have to get done rather than trying very hard to recall what to do is so helpful! Writing a schedule is even better because you write how long you have to do said task to keep track of time :)

Reward yourself  📺🎨🍰

Have something that will motivate you to do work, If you don't have any, You are less likely getting your work done because mostly, you'll ask "why do i even have to do this". It could be playing your favorite game or watching your favorite show on netflix, eating a dessert or whatever, when you accomplish something and reward yourself for it, you're gonna be satisfied for achieving your goals 😊

🎆Quote of the day🎆


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That's all! I hope this was helpful! Til' next time girls! Sofia out~!! ♡♡♡
Account name: Tol_Giraffe
Pm me if you need help in school 💕

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