Hello everyone! It's me Brianna! And I'm back with a new post today. 😊 This time it's school related as you can tell. With everyone being quarantined in their houses it can probably flip your world upside down. Especially since we're doing most of our work for school online now. It can be hard because you can't talk to your teachers face to face unless you have an online meeting over something like zoom or google meet.
I know that with the coronavirus and us being quarantined its probably a little hard on you guys. Your schedule is off and not being able to socialize with other people who are not your family can be kind of hard. I can relate. I had to babysit which is driving me crazy and my sister had to spend her birthday this year quarantined. And I feel kind of bad for her because she was really looking forward to having her party and celebrate with friends and family.
So since you guys might be feeling like this too. Stressed out, worried, and more I thought I would share a couple of things that I've been doing myself during this time. Maybe some of these things I have to share with you can help you. Especially with life at home in quarantine and keeping up with school online now.
First get on a routine or schedule. My counselor suggested this to me after I asked her how to keep up with doing my home. I'm not gonna lie working from the comforts of my own home makes me lazy. And I definitely don't feel like doing what feels like a million assignments from eight classes in one day. So my counselor recommended making a routine or schedule for what you need to do each day. Routine is probably the better option because you can plan out to get English and Physics out of the way on Monday.
Do math on this Tuesday and so. But on the other hand a schedule is more planned out. Monday at 7:00 AM I wake up and get dressed. At 8 I eat breakfast and afterwards get started on my English and so on. A routine is much easier to handle and you get a little bit of what you need to get done out of the way each day and still have time for other things you need to do like babysit or practice self care.
Also if you're stuck make sure to keep in contact with classmates and teachers so you can ask when you need it. If you can facetime you're teachers and classmates. You can talk about anything. Plus video chatting can help you feel more connected during this time. So if you're stuck on a question phone a friend and ask for help. Or get up and take a break. Eat a snack and more around then come back and try to work on it again. Sometimes our brains need to rest before they can work again to solve that one math problem you have been stuck on for awhile now.
Stay healthy! Another good way to help with staying sane and helping you out with online school during this crazy time is staying healthy. Take care of yourself. Practice self care. Eat and drink healthy. Drink some water and healthy food. Also try exercising or yoga. Something to get your body moving. Also take care of yourself mentally. Let yourself feel your emotions during this time. It's okay to feel worried or stressed. Let it out and just remember everything will be alright.
Engage your mind. Find something to do. It can be something you haven't had fun time for until now or something totally new! Find a hobby or do a puzzle. Maybe pick up a book and read it and go on an adventure using your imagination. Do some diys or try out that new recipe you saw the other day on Facebook or Pinterest. Make goals or a bucket list. Find something to keep your mind busy. This can also include doing your schoolwork or helping a family member out with school or chores around the house. I've been messing around with my ukulele. :)
Also be aware of your screen time. Now during this whole quarantine thing and online school you're most likely using your phone or computer. Or maybe both. Be aware of your screen time and take some breaks here and there. Turn off the computer and put down your phone. Limit your screen time and find something else to do. Being on your phone all day can make you feel lonier so be aware of that.
Give yourself permission to be able to feel what you're feeling. You might be feeling worried or stressed out. And that's okay. Let yourself feel your emotions. What's happening now is a lot to process. A lot to take in. So take a moment to allow yourself to feel those emotions you have been keeping locked up. I had to do that myself a couple times this week. I needed to cry because I was sad and had a mixture of different emotions. School was just as confusing, I missed my pets, and babysitting was driving a little insane. My little cousins were getting loud and always seemed to be fighting. So I just needed to get out all my emotions. I have been trying to lock up inside me because of all of that.
Try to think positive thoughts. It can be hard to think positively can it? Well try to create positive thoughts each day. Find a little bit of joy in each day. Read a bible verse or a quote. It can even be an uplifting song. Even if it's just a small little part of a song like a lyric. Don't try to focus on the negative try to kick them out and replace them with positive thoughts. Like I choose to be strong. This is only temporary, things will get better soon. Positive thinking will also help with doing school online.
Try using different coping skills. Practice the different coping skills you have learned. Take some deep breaths. Color or write in a journal about how your day is going and you are feeling. Listen to your favorite song or visualize your safe place. Go outside and enjoy nature. Get a little bit of sunlight and run out in your yard. Wrap up in some blankets or maybe read a nice relaxing book. Take a shower or a bath. Use the 5-4-3-2-1 for the senses.
I hope this helps you with online school and quarantine. And I hope you enjoyed reading this post today. I hope you guys are having a good day/night. Stay safe. Love you guys!!! ❤️✨ BrezzyBear98

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