How to work effectively

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If you learn to work effectively , you can study a lot better along with saving time ! Is there something better than this ! 

so here are 10 tips to study and work effectively !


To work effectively you should focus . But if you are like me and you get really distracted here are some advice to help you concentrate 

Silence your notifications and put your phone away :

My phone is the thing that distractes me the most in the world . If it's next to me while i'm working after a few seconds I'll just start checking all my apps , using snapchat , wattpad and so many more things that in the end i won't even realize i lost like an hour . Plus it demotivates me a lot and a soon as I start I can't stop . So i would advice you to silence your phone because the notifications each too seconds are really distracting . This can be enough but if you're easily distracted put your phone away ( i personnally put it behid my books in my library but anywhere works ) because you might want to check it too . 

2- Learning hours :
If you didn't know there are hours where it's easier to memorize or to do exercices and this can help you on week ends :

From 8 to 12 AM : In this period of time it's easier to learn .

That means if you have any dates to memorize , to do it at that time 

From 12 to 3 pm : Rest 

It's harder to study jsut after lunch because you're still in digestion so use that time to rest , relax , read , do any activity that you like , see your friends ....

From 3 to 8 pm : Homework

At this period of time you're active again to study so do your homework , do your math exercices , any assigenment.....

3- Your place : 

Sometimes it's too noisy around you to study or too calm which can be demoralizing because you feel like you're the only person studying in the wold 

Fortunaly there are many solutions for this problem : 

- If it's too noisy :

a- Try going out to the library if there's one next to you 

the ambience there is calm and motivating as you'll not be the only one studying for sure . 

b- if the first solution doesn't work for you use earplugs 

-If it's too calm : 

a- Try going out to a coffee shop near your house 

the ambience there is cozy and a bit busy which will motivate you again because you'll be surrended by people . The only problem with this option is that it can be expensive if used often 

b-if option a doesn't work for you use sites like coffitivity or rainy mood it provides you another ambience without moving or even listen to classic music that helps concentration 

4-Organisation : 

Do you ever find yourself turning the page of your agenda and seeing a giant HUGE test for tommorow that you forgot about or didn't study yet ? For this reason i suggest you to look at your next tests a week or two in advance just to know what you have . and a week ir mor before the test you can start studying slowly because it's more helpful than studying evrything at the same as your brain can;t assimilate everything that fast . Also keep your desk arranges regulary to study in a neat space . Everyday when you finsh your work just organize it a bit and put everything back in place . it takes like 5 min maximum and it's better than finding everything on top of each other at the end of the month and loose all your importat papers .

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