Hey beautiful girls!
As many people are having to do their school at home, due to all this corona virus stuff, I figured I would share some tips on "home school"
I've been homeschooled my whole life, (1st-12th grade) so I know a few things that help me and hopefully will be a help to you:)
First I'll start with ways to start your day!I strongly suggest that when you wake up, to wash your face with cold water, this always helps me feel refreshed and ready for my day!
Next I would suggest doing your hair in something comfortable, it doesn't have to be anything fancy cuz no one is gonna see you anyways:)
It may not seem necessary to get dressed but you will feel so much better throughout the whole day if you are dressed. (Again it doesn't have to be anything fancy)
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!Something I strongly suggest is finding a bright, quiet and comfortable place to do your school. (not too comfortable or you will fall asleep)
My guess is the majority of you all will do it in your room. (That's where I always do mine)
Nothing is more comfortable than a clean place. So make your bed, straighten your room, open your curtains and let the natural light shine in, and then conquer that school work!Now, time for school tips!
Yay!Try and start your school as early as possible (definitely before 10am, but don't feel the need to start before 8-8:30am) unless of course your parents say otherwise.
I think morning sleep is important, and your brain is often too tired to function if you get up too early. (At least mine is)
For me when it comes to lunch time (noon) my brain is done and I lose all motivation to keep working. So try and get your school done before you loose motivation:)Something I always do before I start my school is get myself a nice big glass of ice water.
Staying hydrated is important, and water is very healthy for you! (Try and stay away from sodas, teas, juices, or energy drinks, even coffee)
When you are getting ready for your day, don't put on makeup. Use this time of quarantine and social distancing to improve your skin. So instead of makeup everyday, put on a face mask while doing school!
Let's get some glowing skin ladies!! 🎉Now for my NUMBER ONE TIP!
••• POWER OFF YOUR PHONE! **I know this isn't fun, but trust me, it is so worth it!
A lot of you all are now doing your school online, so do whatever you have to do in order for you to ONLY DO SCHOOL on your device.Set a goal to have your phone off for simply 2 hours, (or more is even better)
You will be amazed at how much school actually can be done in that time.
We don't even realize how much time we waste on our phone until the day has past and we feel we haven't accomplished much of anything.
So turn off the phone, accomplish school, and if you work diligently you can spend more than half your day outside enjoying Gods beautiful creation, FaceTiming, calling or texting friends who you can't visit right now and whatever other things you wish to do.Something I find super helpful is to make a schedule for my week. School first every morning and then all the other things to follow.
There's not much more satisfying than being able to check off your list!
Do not over work your brain while doing school, take a 10 minute break at least once every hour. Stretch, get fresh air, drink more Water!
Do not get on your phone during that break!Don't stress over school, keep a healthy mind set! Mental health is important, and I know school can be super stressful, but you can do it!
Take a deep breath, You Got This!
Take 5 minute breaks every ten minutes or whatever kind of break you need.
Don't over work your self or stress too much.Strive for a healthy balance of work and rest!
If you ever want to talk to me about homeschool things, or just school or anything in general then pm me rissa_writes I'm more than happy to help you out with whatever I can!I feel like I was all over the place with this, but I hope it's helpful in some way or another and it makes some sense or something lol
Have a blessed day/night!
And always remember YOU CAN!Lots of love to you all,

𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤 ✎🌻
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