Before you decide to move here are somethings to consider!
•Do I have a stable income?
•Can I keep a place clean?
•Can I manage money?
•Can I pay bills?
•Can I take care of myself?
•Can I time manage?
•Can I cook for myself?If you answered yes to those then congratulations! You're one step closer to being an adult. Before you move out here are somethings you need to do.
•Look really good before deciding on a place.
•Gather cardboard boxes for less valuable things.
•Gather large plastic storage boxes for clothes and valuable things. It will protect it better.
•Declutter! Throw away or donate things you don't need.
•Clean the place before you sit your belongings in the door.
•If you're going to pay rent at least have the 1st 2 months saved up.
•Make sure you have a way to transport your things.
•Change your addresses
•Buy cleaning supplies for weekly cleaning
•Buy things to cook with
•Buy smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. You never know what may happen
♡I hope these help with your decision and with getting prepared. I will for sure make one of these for college as well. #staystrong ladies!

𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤 ✎🌻
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