Beginning of a horrifying End

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As I woke up, the first thing I could feel was my head, which hurt extremely bad, I couldn't even open my eyes bad, or get up. After a few minutes the pain had gone down and I opened my eyes. I was in the middle of a long, poorly lit hallway. I rolled up one of my sleeves to look the the scratch I got, and it was wrapped in bandages. The hallways were quiet and empty besides the metal boxes and lockers along the walls.

I was so confused, where the hell am I?Quickly I grab my phone out of my pocket but when I turned it on, all that it showed was a black screen with a bunch of purple and red dots between two weird blue lines. It was broken and glitched out so I just put it back in my pocket. Standing up I heard distant footsteps, slowly coming towards me. Knowing that this might not even be real, I was still scared and confused, so I started to walk in the other direction of the footsteps. Slowly I heard the steps get faster, and louder, and even started to hear a growling sound.

I started to run, but then they started to turn into hard heavy sounding steps and becoming even faster. Soon came a loud horrifying roar, and I saw an open locker and ran into it, quickly shutting the door. Out of no where something big crashed into the locker next to me. I held my breath in complete fear for my life. "was I going to die here?" "I don't understand why the hell I'm here" The footsteps stopped for a few seconds, then a medium sized, thin, monster walked by.

It was to dark to see exactly what it did look like, but it was horrifying. I could make out the fact that it looked like it didn't have ears, but it had an extremely long and thin tail. "what the hell is that?!" I mumbled to myself in fear. As it walked away I waiting until I couldn't hear it's footsteps anymore. Then I slowly opened the locker door to look around. I was in complete shock when I looked over at the locker it had hit, the locker was completely smashed to bits, somehow none of the lockers next to them had been damaged.

I started to make my way to who knows where in the other direction of the monster. After a while of walking and silence someone tapped my shoulder so I quickly turned around. It wasn't a person, it was a yellow monster with a sharp and toothy smile, it was around my height and it wasn't as horrifying by looks but it was still scary to even see one. I was about to run for my life until it grabbed my arm, not in a way it was trying to be hostile. "Why hello there! my name is Shonin, I suppose you are new around here?" They said, their voice sounded like someone speaking over a radio.

"I- Um," I didn't know what to say to a monster plus I was still terrified. "Well that answers my question, your trembling in fear as of right now because all you see right now is a talking monster, just after you were abducted from the safety of your home," "Don't worry I'm not going to kill and eat your flesh, unless you piss me off well enough I won't…." "I'm surprised that you found me!" "New comers either get found by the others or get killed." Shonin said with a smaller smile and going up to my face. "The- the others? Are there other people that are stuck here?" I said, shuddering in my words.

"Ah, you must have just came down, so what's your dear name? We don't have many people like you." "I- I'm Har- Harlequin…" "Harli, such a strange name for such a strange boy," "By any chance do you have anything up for a trade? I can lead you to the others if you can give a good bargain!" He said backing away a bit, while still not letting go of my arm. As I checked my pockets I found a few quarters, my phone, and a random broken pocket watch that I always forgot to throw away.

"Harli, dear now I don't have all day," "I have an old golden pocket watch?" I said started to not feel as scared of Shonin. "GOLD YOU SAY?!" He yelled in surprise as I handed it to him. "My my Harli, I'll owe you more than just leading you to the others, you can have all my prices 100% off, for I have never even seen with my two very eyes that much gold!" "On ward we go dear Harli!" We walked for a long while in silence then I said "Wait what about the monster that was around here?" "That dear Monster can't hear a soul! He can only see movement now harli."

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