Unforgiving Tragedy

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As the platform started to shake more violently, water monsters started to pop up out of the water, some grabbing a hold of the platform itself. Soon enough we started to hear hissing and growling coming from the monsters. They were being nice to us before, why are they so aggressive now? I looked over at Blaze who was putting one of his swords back on his shoulder. "You think I know why their mad?" He said, then I turned back around not knowing what to do.

They had suddenly shaken the platform really hard for a moment and I tripped, and I fell into the deep water. The monsters stopped shaking the platform and looked over at me. I knew how to swim, but my body just struggled, it didn't swim up and I grew into a panic. Was this really the end for me then? At least on the bright side, I might meet my real parents. Just then two of the monsters swam down to me and grabbed me, swimming back up, setting me down onto the small area above the water where the door leading to the other hallway was.

Once I got my balance they jumped back into the water, the other water monsters still hissing and growling, though this time I could understand that it wasn't to me since they had saved me. They then started to shoot small but strong bullets of water at Blaze, which he dodged. Blaze ended up accidentally dropping his swords, he tried to grab them before they fully sunk into the water. SPLASH! One of the monsters had grabbed Blaze by the arm and dragged him into the water.

"BLAZE NO," Deleina yelled trying to grab him out of the water before they pulled in him to deep. Lemon held her back as soon as she saw another monster about to grab Deleina as well. A few monsters who were above the water went down and over to Blaze. We all would hope that they would possibly just bring him back and we could leave this area peacefully, that wasn't the case though. A minute later, blood started to rise from where Blaze had been dragged down. That was the first time I had seen Deleina loose her cool and almost start crying.

Another monster tried to snatch Deleina but then Lemon let out a loud roar, after that they all retreated back down quickly and left us alone, only showing up as dark figures deep under the water. Lemon and Deleina started making there way over to me. Lemon trying her best to comfort her from what had just happened. Once they stepped onto the area above the water they sat down across from me, Deleina shedding tears. Both me and Lemon did cry a little bit, but Deleina was Blazes best friend, she knew him the longest, she cried for a long while.

We decided to get some rest, me and Lemon took turns guarding each other from the water monsters. After a few hours past, most of the water had dried off of us and our clothing and we decided that we needed to get moving. We all got up and went out the door into the hallway. The line alone the walls was still a light blue so I would guess that we were still in the same area. We started to run like last time, almost as fast as we could, still shaken up about Blaze.

We went from all seven of us to Sunny getting eaten, to having to leave behind Willow and Sage, and to Blaze being killed by water monsters, making it so that only three of us remain. Lemon transformed into a monster and shoved both me and Deleina into a vent and shutting it quickly. "Oh well hello there darling,  didn't expect to see you out here again!" I heard Shonin's voice say. "I just wanted to see how things are doing over on this side," Lemon said making sure the vent stays closed with her tail.

"Now darling, have you found the prince yet? Reports say that you seem to have been following his tail you see," "Uh… Yes! Yeah I've been slowly getting closer to finding the Prince and once I do I will get them to the circle." Lemon said trying her best to make sure he doesn't see through her lies. "Very good Love! See to it that you find him as quickly as possibly, the monsters are getting sick of waiting." Shonin said then I assume he left. After a few minutes Lemon opened the vent and turned back into a human.

"You didn't have to shove us into a crapped vent you know," I said getting out followed by Deleina. "Don't worry about that, it could have been worse, but we need to go Now." Lemon said and started to get going. We followed her for a long time, going through the same looking pool areas and taking breaks at the ends of them and then continuing. "How big is this building or whatever it is?" I asked as we were running at one point. "No one knows to be honest." Lemon said as we made a turn.

We made it to another barricaded hallway and, like the last one, jumped over it. The line along the walls were white now. The temperature seemed to have dropped almost suddenly making so cold that you could see your own breath very clearly. There were icicles on the sides of the walls attached to the ceiling. "Don't touch any blue ice Deleina," Lemon said and then Deleina nodded. We entered a room that was full of snow, but that didn't make any sense, we were inside a building with a roof covering us, how was there snow.

In fact, it was actually like a snow storm, except a lot less colder than an actual snow storm but either way that was still impossible. We had to hold onto each other to make sure we didn't get separated in the foggy white cloak of snow that was flying around the seemingly endless room. We couldn't see anything in front of us and from time to time we would almost fall over into the snow but catch each other and continue on. Over the sounds of the loud, harsh winds I could hear small sounds similar to the squeak of a mouse.

Then a small white, Fox like figure passed in front of my running by, followed by two more of the same figures. This would repeatedly happen over and over again until the wind and snow got to hard and to fast. We all got knocked over, Lemon was thrown back, getting lost in the deep snow. Deleina seemed to have completed disappear out of thin air. The Fox figures still running by but in bigger groups this time, that was when I noticed that there were owl figures as well, they flying above the group's of foxes and seemingly other animals like mice and rabbits.

I slowly got up and tried to think of something to do, that's when I got the idea to see what would happen if I were to grab one of the animals. Waiting for the prefect time to snatch one from the ground, I took the chance but before I could grab any of them, they all moved away to the side out of my reach. It sounded almost like they were laughing, enjoying are struggling and mocking us along the way. Everytime I tried to grab one they all backed away and continued their path of a circle. Finally I decided that this time, I would leap at them instead of only using my hands.

At the right moment, I leaped off the ground at them and it finally worked, I grabbed one of them, making sure of not letting go, they all stopped and turned to look at me. After a few moments the snow storm stopped, the walls were covered in ice and the floor covered in snow. Still not letting go of the Fox figure I grabbed all the animals started to bite me but it wasn't painful, in fact is actually barely hurt at all. I stood up holding the Fox in my arms and looked over to Lemon and Deleina, who were getting up and walking over to me.

Lemon was about to say something until we heard once again another loud crash from where we entered the room. It was the same monster from before, it made a loud kind of high pitch, echoing roar followed by fast and loud footsteps. We all instantly started to run. I let go of the fox and it hopped away to its group where it then started to run around it circles, creating the snow storm again but this time it was even worse than before. Luckily we managed to escape by the door at the end of the long hallway.

We ran through it, as I looked back as Deleina was closing the door, I saw the big black and purple raptor monster falling over. We all proceeded to run, finding the nearest door to run to so we could catch are breath and take a break. It was a small room, we all sat quietly, we did the same as last time, two of us slept, one person stands guard. After an hour or two passed we made sure the coast was clear, then left the small room. 

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