The Kings Curse

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The wall near the entrance to the left was full of boxes and crates that were opened and emptied out. "Deleina, Blaze, you two work on the new supplies," Willow started, "Sage you take a break, you've been through enough," She continued "Harlequin, you come with me," she said and we started to walk towards one of the small buildings. When we entered a building it was pretty bare, the room only had a desk in the middle of it and chairs along the walls. I noticed that there was a door across the room that looked like it lead to an entire other room away from the cafeteria.

There was a girl sitting at the desk and Willow was whispering something to them. The girl gave her something then Willow gestured for me to follow as she walked towards the door across the room. It was really dark but I was able to stay close enough to Willow that I could still see her. Something pushed me hard and I fell over with the sound of a metal door shutting and being locked. Soon after the lights were turned on, and when I looked around, I saw that I was in a very small cell.

"Your not in any trouble Harlequin, this is just protocol in case you got infected, you'll have to stay in here for three days." Willow said coming up to the bars. "It takes a total of forty eight hours for an infection to complete its process, and then twenty four hours just incase because we had the problem before and we can't risk anything at all." She said sliding a plate of food under a small gap under the bars. I ate the food that I was given and tried my best to stay quiet and wait it out.

There was a vent small across the room near the ceiling, it was leaking a weird white liquid, slowly but surely, it started to pile up. I've seen enough and was too exhausted so I didn't want to move away even if I could. Once it was fully out of the vent it made a weird looking wobbly pile of goo that slowly got taller. Finally it made at least a see-able figure after a long while of someone sitting on the floor with their legs crossed. At this point I was just ready to just lay down and sleep properly.

After another long while the white goo suddenly said in a distorted voice "Give me a moment, this takes a while to fully rebuild." Finally they finished and it was Lemon, but this time as a monster again. "Prince, I would have come sooner to get-" BANG!!! There was a loud banging sound that happened outside the cell that startled both me and Lemon making us both scream. Then there was a laugh that followed are scared screaming. I turned to look at the cell door and Blaze was there completely dieing of laughter.

"BLAZE, WHAT THE HELL," Lemon yelled. "I'm sorry," Blaze had to pause for a few seconds to calm down, "it was the perfect moment to scare the living crap out of you both." "That is not funny you idiot," She said pissed off at him "Wait, why do you not care that lemon is a monster, last time you seemed like you were going to kill her," I asked confused and full of adrenaline from being scared to death.

"I'm a monster as well, what happened back there was a whole act," Blaze answered. "Could have completely fooled me," Lemon said getting up and walked over to the door. "Why are you guys even here?" I said getting up to follow Lemon as Blaze unlocked the door. "That girl you saw wasn't willow, it was a shape shifter monster, the real Willow was sick this morning and had to stay in bed, no one knows about that though." Blaze said looking over at the end of the hallway.

At the end of the hallway a vent near the ground opened up and Deleina was inside it. "That monster was going to come back here any minute, they were going to kill you," Lemon said as all three of us walked to the vent. "Why would monsters specifically want to kill me, out of all the other people here?" "Monster King Zane is dead, he chooses a victim to become the next king, meaning your the victim, the new-" Lemon started but then there were loud footsteps.

Blaze ran to the vent and climbed in, lemon grabbed my arm and then we all were stuffed into the cramped vent shutting the door behind us. "The new what?" I whispered to Lemon." "Ssh," someone said quietly. The door that leads to the hallway we were in opened. There was a long pause and then the door slammed shut following with a low growling sound. Slowly footsteps started to walk towards the vent. "GO DAMN IT," Blaze yelled as we all started pushing each other crawling as fast as we can.

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