Ending of a long Journey

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After a long while Blake said "Well this is no fun," "What do you mean?" "I though you would be like, I don't know, at least a little talkative." He said with a bored expression on his face. Something red looked like it was leaking out of his right arm. "Are you okay? It looks like your bleeding or something." I said pointing to his arm. 

He looked down at his arm "Aw Crap I Forgot I Needed To Fix That." "Fix it?" "None of your business kid." After a while he showed me how to steer the boat so we could take turns since it was becoming night. We actually had a bit of fun because he had a set of cards in his bag so we played with those. Thud. I woke up and looked around. 

"Wake up, were here," Blake said, looking over at me. He helped me up and we hopped off the boat. "Do you remember what day it was since you looked at the calendar?" He asked as we walked on the side walk of the busy street. "I think it was um, the 12 of December?" "Well it's July 15." He said pulling up his phone. "So I've been missing for around eight months?!" "Yup."

As we walked down the side walk, it started to rain really hard. "You live with your mom right?" Blake asked as we stopped under a little over hanging roof of a building "Not really but yeah," "Wanna get her a gift or something while we're stuck here." He said pointing to the small shop behind us. "I can pay so since I don't think you have any money on you. 

"Sure," I answered then we went into the store. Blake grabbed a blue hoodie and threw it at me, "Also, walking around shirtless with bandages isn't the best way to meet someone. "Makes sense yeah," I answered. 

Was it really Over? Can I actually go back to being with my family again? Mom, Stacey, will I actually see them again? Thoughts wandered my head as I looked at the little items in the store. I remembered how Mom loved funny useless objects for decoration. 

I found one of those little signs with random funny writing on it and decided to get that along with a purple flower. Blake paid for my stuff then got umbrellas. We left the store and continued to walk. "You do know your address right?" Blake asked looking around talking over the rain. 

I nodded and we made a turn down on the sidewalk. "Thanks for helping me get home," I said. "I only did it because I had a week off of work, but your welcome I guess." Blake answered. "Down jere should be a bakery, I always walk by here when I'm coming home from school." I said. The rain started to die down a bit.

A paper blew into my face, I grabbed it to see what was on it. The paper was a missing person poster for me. "I think someone's gunna be really happy to see you home." Blake said pointing to the dog I was holding in the picture. It was Pluto and me when we went to a dog park one time. 

"Keep in mind kid, I'm leaving once you get home you got that," "Yeah." We made it to my neighborhood and that's when the rain was sprinkling rather than earlier with its down pour. I walked up to the door of my house, Pluto came up to the window and looked at me, wagging his little tail. Slowly I reached out my hand to knock on the door.

Knock Knock

Pluto left for a few minutes but then came back to the window. The door opened and mom was on the other side. "Harlequin! I missed you so much honey," She yelled as she gave me a big hug. I handed her the stuff I got, "Oh, honey, you really didn't need to." "He helped me get-" I looked over to Blake but he was gone. 

"Come inside Harlequin!" She said with he'd hand on my shoulder. We went inside and she sat me down at the dinner table. "Stacy is going to be so happy!" Pluto did his little hop and I picked him up. She made steak for dinner and went upstairs to tell Stacy dinner time. She came zooming down the stairs and gasped. 

"Big Brother Harli is back!!" She yelled and hugged me. "I thought you would never come back. Momma would pray every night for you to come back one day." "Well, here I am!" Once we ate dinner we caught up on what happened the last eight months and everything went back to normal. Like nothing had ever happened, just like a bad dream.

(I hope you enjoyed this story! It's the first time for me on wattpad and also publishing a story!)

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