More Games Of Luck

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A faint scent of something burning started to fill the air. "Do you smell that?" I asked looking over at Deleina who grabbed the keys. She paused to sniff the air. "Fire," she took a moment to process that one word. Her eyes widened and grew an intense gaze at the timer. 3 minutes left. She gave me both of the keys and we both ran, Deleina leading the way. I looked at the keys, the green one was quit plain while the rusted one had a noticeable and pretty design engraved into it. Was it a Fox Or a Wolf engraved into the key? I'm pretty sure it's a wolf.

We made it back to the exit and Lemon got up. 2 minutes left. "We need to find the right order or were gunna be f*cking ash." Deleina said pointing to the door. The smell of something burning started to get stronger. I gave Deleina the green key. We all started to panic and think of what to do. I though for a long moment then realized, the colored line that was along the walls.  "The line that was along the wall! That should be right order right?" I said still panicking. "You sure about this?" Lemon asked and I nodded. 1 minute remaining. The smell of smoke and fire was even stronger now.

"The Green one was first," I said and Deleina unlocked the green lock. "Then the light blue one was second," Lemon unlocked the light blue lock. 30 seconds remaining. "then the last one," I said and quickly put it in. It unlocked but was stuck in place, I pulled it as hard as I could but it didn't budge. 10 seconds remaining. "Move Out Of The Way." Deleina said holding up her huge knife and broke the lock off. 5 seconds. The sounds of explosions from a distance away went off. She kicked the door, making it swing open and we ran inside shutting the door. Time is up, all remaining players in the area will be Eliminated. 

Loud, intense explosions went off on the other side. We sighed in relief and sat down to take a break from all the panicking and adrenalin. There was a small light hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. I looked around and on both sides of the room were doors. At the back of the room was a large door, which in my guess was probably locked. After we rested we got up and wandered the new room. On the left door there was a figure of a person above it, and on the right was a monster figure. 

The big door at the back had both a monster and a human but they were cut in half and put together. "What is this room suppose to be?" I asked looking over at Lemon and Deleting. "this room seems to not have been entered in basically forever, considering that it's covered in dust and crawling with bugs.",  Lemon said swiping a bit of the dust off the wall. "Wait, bugs? Does that mean we could be close to the exit?" I said. "Most likely," Deleina said going to the door with the person above it. She opened the door and looked inside.

She looked around then went inside but then the door slammed shut. "Guys, open the damn door." She yelled and we ran over. We both tried to open the door, pulling it at hard as we could but it wouldn't open. "The door isn't opening!" Lemon yelled to Deleina. "What's in the room?" I yelled a few moments later. "A lever that wasn't there before," Deleina yelled "I pulled it but nothing happened." "We should check the other room." I said to Lemon and we went over to the one with the monster above it.

We looked inside and it was a small empty room. We then went over to the big door at the back and it had a lever on the side. I pulled it but nothing happened. "Does this mean one of us has to get locked in the other room as well?" I asked looking over at Lemon.

"I'll go inside the room, the only reason why I'm here is for the Prince to escape," "Are you really sure, wouldn't that mean you would be stuck here forever-" "It's fine, I don't even have a reason to need to leave." Lemon interrupted and then walked over to the room.

She stepped inside but nothing happened. She waiting a minute then walked out of the room, looking over at me. "It's not working," Lemon said as I went over to her. I stepped inside and nothing happened as well. The small light flickered off for a moment then back on and a table appeared in the middle of the room. Walking over to the table, I saw that there was a gun, it looked like a revolver I think. The table had four chairs and two of them were pulled out, there was also a note on the table.

 Time for a game of Russian Roulette! Sit down in the open chairs to begin."Do we play it?" I asked looking over at Lemon showing her the note, "Do we have any other choice?" She said then we both sat down in the pulled out chairs. The light flicked off then back on and two life sized, faceless wooden puppets where sitting in the two other chairs.

"Good Morning to all Players. Today's game will be Russian Roulette," the speaker blared out of no where. "The game where you must spin a revolver barrel and pull the trigger pointed to the select player, a typical game would evolve one bullet, this round we will have three, let the game commence in Five Minutes."

Lemon leaned back in her chair, making it rock back a little. "I really don't like guns in my opinion," she said looking at the revolver in the middle of the table. "That's all your going to say," Deleina's voice said, startling me. I looked over and the wooden puppet across from me was replaced with Deleina.

"What do you want me to say? Oh, I sure wish I'm not going to be shot in the head with a bullet!" Lemon said sarcastically. "Three Bullets in a game of Russian Roulette, There are four of us counting the doll next to me." Deleina said. "What's the Goal Of The Game." Lemon yelled at the speaker person.

"The goal of the game is to not be shot by the revolver as it is passed around until there are no more bullets remaining in the barrel." The speaker said. "You-" "Five minutes have now past, time to begin Russian Roulette." The speaker interrupted as Deleina was about to say something. The revolver started to slowly get dragged my something over to Lemon.

She grabbed the gun and looked at it with a blank face and then pointed it at Deleting and pulled the trigger. "B*TCH IF THAT HAD THE BULLET IN IT!!" She yelled standing up slamming the table. "Relax it doesn't have anything in it yet," Lemon said grabbing the bullets from under the table and loading the gun.

"You planned this, you knew from the start that this would happen didn't you." Deleina said slowly sitting back down. Lemon didn't answer, she just spun the barrel then pulled the trigger to her head but luckily there wasn't a bullet waiting in the slot. "Answer me you bastard." lemon spun the barrel slid the gun across the table to Deleina. "You'll get your answer, once you complete the game that is." Deleina grabbed the gun and looked at it then pulled the gun at Lemon. "I want the answer now, not once this is finished."

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