Friend of Ash

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My body felt numb yet it was in absolute pure pain. I fell forwards, slamming into the table. When I looked down at the bandages covering the scratch, it was starting to leek out black goo that went through the bandage. I turned into my monster form once all the goo covered me. At that point I realized my right ear was probably deaf because it still couldn't hear.

"Clever Bastard You Are There," Shonin said looking at me then back at Deleina. "Well I also know that if u hit it hard enough the infection will die and leave the host." Deleina said, holding onto the gun. Shonin gave her a blank expression but then started to get mad. He got up and looked like he was about to jump. "Listen here deary, you don't want to play on top of my own chess board, I don't play fair," He said with a smile.

Shonin was about to attack Deleting. Before he did I shot myself at him and we both slammed into the wall. "So you have chosen to leave then Prince?" Shonin said as we both got up. "I wouldn't stop you, if only you haven't made it this far." He said with a larger toothy smile. "Your not killing my last friend Shonin!" I yelled "And I won't, I won't dear Prince but the bullet just might-"

Deleina shot the bullet at Shonin from an angle that looks like she was kind of aiming at her head. "Looks like I missed, but there's no more bullets in the barrel." She said throwing the gun at Shonin. Deleina was about to say something but she turned into one of the wooden puppets and fell over. "What Did You Do To Deleina Shonin." I said standing over him and surprisingly I was really tall standing up straight.

"She was just moved back into the box that she was trapped in." Shonin said"Now as promised, I'll help you since neither of you are dead." He walked over to the door with the monster above it and went in. The door slammed shut behind him. "Wait, what am I supposed to do?!" I yelled to him. "Pull the lever," He yelled back. "What's going to happen to everyone if the Prince leaves?" I yelled and he said he didn't know.

I walked over to the lever next to the big door in the back of the room. I pulled it and the door started to shift open. Bright lights started to fill the room. Was this it? Am I actually going to get out? What will happen to all the others? The goo and scales on my body seemed to not enjoy the sudden bright lights because it instantly turned back, forcing me into my human form.

Once the the door opened I let go of the lever. It then started to slowly close but it would take a few minutes because it was a big door. I walked in front of the door way, I covered my eyes because of how bright it was. Slowly I started to walk forward into the light. Once my eyes adjusted I looked up. There was a black figure that looked like they were some how glitching out.

They held out their hand in a way that it kind of seemed safe. Slowly I grabbed their hand. My vision started to become blurry and I got really dizzy. The last thing I heard before I blacked out, was the sound of an explosion going off from behind me. When I woke up, I was laying under a tree in a forest, and when I took off the bandages to my scratch, it was completely gone.

"Eventually I wandered around, saw an abandoned house near a city, and went inside." I said need the story of how I ended up in an abandoned house, lost and confused. (The story was a lot shorter when telling it to him) "Kid, I really don't believe your whole story, but since I have nothing else to do today," The tall man sitting across from me paused for a moment, "I'll take you home."

"On one condition, no questions about who the hell I am." I nodded. "Before that, lunch." He said getting up and going into the kitchen. I had forgotten how hungry I had become sine the last time I ate. He came back giving me a plate with a sandwich on it. "So kid, where you from?"

"North Cloud Range in Kingdon." (Very far away from current location) "Were on Red Wind Island in the f*cking South East." "So your telling me that you somehow were transported from Kingdon to Red Wind Island, across the f*cking Big ass ocean." He said as he started to sound pissed off. "Get your ass up, we're getting a god damn boat right now."

"You mean your still taking me home?" "Yes, now don't make me change my mind." He said eating an apple. I ate the sandwich quickly and followed him. As we went into the city, I saw that it didn't seem like that even knew what was possibly underneath them. A whole maze of hallways and monsters, people who have been trapped for God knows how long.

We went down to a dock where he told me to wait and he would get a boat. It looked like him and another person were arguing or something but then he gestured for me to come over. "Sit down on the boat and say nothing until we're out at sea." He said pointed at a small boat at the end of the dock.

I went into the boat and sat down until we were a short distance from the island. "So, um, what's your name?" I asked. "And that was a personal question." He said with a flat tone. "just call me Blake, don't need my real name if that's what you want." "And if you whine on how far until we get there, I'm throwing you off and turning around."

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