part 2

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The next day, I woke up and immediantly wished I hadn't. "STOP WISHING YOU WERE DEAD AND COME EAT!" my mom screamed from downstairs and I quickly got up and ran down. She made bannana pancakes, pancakes with bannana peices in them. "Thanks mother" i said sitting down and she sighed, "You can call me ma, or momma, or mom if want". I shrugged and started eating. "So you excited?!" she asked kinda worried and I just nodded to make her happy, she smiled. "I can dro-" i cut her off, "I can ride on my bike, I payed attention and noticed the school is not that far away". She nodded and then grabbed my plate to wash and I walked outside and hopped on my bike. I noticed the other by riding by, also smiling at me, but I got distracted by a bird, I saw him laugh a little in the corner of my eye. I felt my face get hot for no reason and just shook it off and started peddling.

The boy got there before me because I might of stopped for a bird, shut up. He was by the bike rack talking to the same big glasses, messy, annoying looking kid. I walked over there with my bike and hooked it in. "Hey, I-I live r-right beside you" he said with a stutter and I remembered he didnt have one when he was screaming at his father, "You didnt have that stutter yesterday". He looked at me questionably and remembered he hadnt seen me. "Uh yesterday, you uh were um yelling at a man" the realization struck and his cheeks turned red from emmbaressment, "it's fine, i used to yell at mine all the time" the annoying boy cut in after i said that, "What happened to your dad". "None of your buisness froggy, i need to get to class now" i walked away and heard the boys faul mouth say ' what the fuck dude'.

The two boys tried talking too me, and i ignored them everytime because of my own trust issues, and i didnt like how the stuttering boy made me feel. At lunch i finally snapped and said a little too loud, "WHAT". The stuttering boy widened his eyes and the glasses flench, undertandable. "Sorry, i dont like people, and i have many reason i dont wanna talk to yall, especially you glasses" the glasses kid rolled his eyes, "Like what". I took a deep breathe and said very fast, "Yours gross, messy, annoying, weird looking, you reminde me of frogs which i dont like at the moment, and your glasses bother me". He starred at me supprised then a very small boy and a redheaded, beautiful girl, came up and both smiled and said at the same time, "I like this kid" them only the redhead said, "Whered you get him". "I dont know but he also has parent issues, well more like daddy issues" the glasses said and i looked back down at my half eaten sandwhich that i was starrting not to enjoy. "Beverly here has dad issues, so do I and bill. Mike who isnt here, his parents are deado, and eds here" she small boy slapped him" ow ok sorry, eddie here has mommy issues, he dosent know where or who his dad is". I nodded, now know who all they are except glasses, "And richie slash trashmouth lives alone" beverly said putting a hand around richies shoulders and i saw bill look a little weird. "Ok now i know yalls names i can tell you idividualy to leave, except bill, bev, and eddie, yall seem cool" i said and bill quickly looked away pertending to be interested in something, i thought hid face was red and he was smiling but i ignored it, eddie and beverly smiled. "Wait whats your name" bill said turning back around normal color, "Stan, Stanley Uris, and no one can call be urine or i will crack there necks and rip out their vocal cords" i said then the bell rang and i stood up ready to leave, "perfect timing". I walked away with them just standing there, bill and beverly smiling and a dark skin, i think mike, alked them what was wrong and bill motined too me, i smiled at him then left the cafateria.

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