part 7

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Ahh, saturday. I terrible day, well i mean i do get to see bill, but i have to see foureyes. "BIRD SQUAK" my phone went, its my ring tone. I picked it up, it was bill. "Hey stanny, you still coming today" he asked and i smiled, my mom smiled from the door way and it quickly went away, "Yeah ill see you soon billyboy" i said and hung up. "Who was thatttttt" my mom said and i just shook my head and muttered 'no one'. I packed my bag for his house and ate a quick breakfast. "Are you spending the night with your friends" she said and i groaned, "There not my friends, im only going to make one person happy, two of the others are ok too". She smiled and nodded a little then left the room. I finshed my  food, put it away, then rode to beverlys, bill sent me the adress. Kinda upset he knows her adress, dont know why though.

"YOU MADE IT" bev said super excited and i nodded and walked in. "Ok my room is in the basement and eddie has a beanbag chair he lets no one sit in, i bought you one two incase your a germaphobe too", i smiled at her and nodded again, she smiled back. She not as bad as i remeber her being but i cant tell her that. "STANTHEMAN HOW ARE YOU" i heard that annoying but familiar voice scream, i flinched a little. "I almost didnt come because i knew you were here" i said and he pat my shoulder and said ,"I love you too", i cringed away from him. "Hey stanny" bill waved while connecting his phone to something, "hey billyboy" i said back smiling. Richie walked by and winked and i felt myself go red so i jut went and sat in the blue beanbag she said was mine. "What do you all wanna listen to this fine afternoon" bill asked and i laughed a little, he smiled and turned away fast. "Uh stan what do you wanna listen too" ben said and everyone nodded looking at me, i froze. Bill looked at me and came over and whispered, "Do you wanna tell me and then i can play or i can play something i like" he said and i smiled, my face once again heating up, i noticed his turning red. "Uh, new kids on the block, are you down. Its my favorite song" i said and he smiled and nodded. He turned it on and i saw bens face light up, he likes them too.

After the song was over he just kept playing NKOTB and then walked over to me and grabbed my hands, "Lets dance", "I cant dance bill". He smiled and pulled me out of the chair, ehhhhhh. " Just move your body" he said and i started jumping, dont ASK. I looked over and saw beverly dancing with ben not even caring and richie was trying to slow dance with eddie, but he was complaing and i saw why, there was a problem lower down. "YOUR DISGUSTING" eddie finally screamed and sat down on his beanbag, richie went over and he must of apologized because they were now making out. Mike was dancing by himself and it was adorable in a way. "Youe pretty good uris" bill said and i smirked, "Same for you denbrough". Both are faces turned red and were smiling, ehhhh i think im catching feelings for real. "Im turedddddd" eddie complained so we all went to bed.

Richie, eddie, and bev where in the bed, bev in the middle for safety. Ben slept on her minutre couch and mike slept on the matress that pulls out from under it. Bill and I slept on an air up matress together. We were facing away from eachother and right when i was about to fall asleep i felt a hanf rap around me, i was too tired to realize i was not at home with my mom but oh boy in the morning...

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