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"STAN" richie screamed and i just walked by ignoring my new 'friend group'. "Hey stan whats wrong" beverly asked running up to me and i just walked faster, "You know i dont take no for an answer". I started to feel my self on the verge of snapping, so i breathed in and out and thought about birds, whispering facts about them. "Bluejays have blue eggs", beverly looked at me confused, "Bluebirds reached 17 miles an hour in flight", realization hit her face and she backed away. "Thank god" i whispered and walked to class.

Hahahahah, i hate lunch. "STANTHEMAN, HOMO, STANNY" i covered his mouth at that. "What can i not call you that" he asked removing my hand and i shook my head. "Why" he asked and then bill said, "Because only i can call him stanny", i had no reaction to that except my face heating up. "What about staniel" richie said and i snatched his glasses, "Dont. call me that." my dad called me that when he started hanging out with the other woman because since i knew i was 'grown up', cowpoop. "S-sorry" he said and i tossed his glasses to eddie then walked outside because, we could.

"hey stan, you ok. I know your upset but i wanna know why" bev said interupting my bird session. "None of your buisness" i responded and she made an 'O' with her mouth. "Im beggining to think this is because of me, stan do you like me, like, like like" she asked and i snapped my head to her, "No!". "Then who do you like" she asked and i just shook my head, "I dont know if i like them, i probably just wanna be his friend and im telling myself i like him" shit i said him. "OOOO ITS A HIM" great. "Dont tell richie, he'll think its him" i begged and she smirked. "Ah another clue, also as long as were good" she said offering her hand, i shook her hand and went back to my birds.

"Ok now i am forced to be yalls friends because bev thinks she knows who i like" i said to the losers and they all had different faces but same reaction. "Its either, bill, eddie, mike, ben, or one of the bowers gang" she said and i laughed, "Definetly not the bowers gang". "Ok then eddie, bill, ben, or mike" richie was about to ask, "I dont give a flying flip about you richie" i said and he closed his mouth and out his arm around eddies shoulder, who shuddered in disgust but let him stay. "Its fine i have eds here" he said and eddie just crossed his arms and had a pouty like face on. "Ok well i gotta get home" i said and hopped on my bike, "Hey, the losers are having a sleepover at bevs tommorow, you wanna come" bill said riding next to me and i nodded and smiled. "Ok see you there stanny" she said saluting me, "Bye billyboy" i said back and parcked in my garage and went inside.

Jealousy (stenbrough)Where stories live. Discover now