part 13

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"STAN, BILL IS HERE" i hear my mom scream from dowstairs, why is he here. "Just bring him up" i said back and next thing i know bill is in my room. I get up and stand infront of him, "Why are yo-" haha your not gonna belive this, he grabbed my face, and pressed his soft lips against mine again. He pulled away and starred at a wall, "Yup, definetly gay". I had to hold back a laugh when he said that. "ALso sorry" he said removing his hand that was still on my face. "Oh dont be, i definetly am too" i said and he laughed a little. "So howd it go with bev" i asked, "Oh, she broke up wit me for ben. I told her i liked you and she said win win". "Wait, you like me, ME. like for real" i said and he nodded. "Omg i thought you didnt, ive liked you ever since i saw you" i said and he smiled. "Hold up does that mean were boyfriends now" i asked and he laughed and kissed me again, "Im taking that as a yes".\\


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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