part 11

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Time skip to like friday before spring break. There spring break is however long i want it to be.)

I was sitting in my bed trying not to fall asleep again when saw a rock hit my window, great. I opened my window and saw bill with a boombox. "LETS GO BIRD WATCHING" he screamed after turning 'Whats Love Got To Do With It'. "Do you even like birds" i asked and he shrugged, "There ok, i just really wanna spend the day with someone and there all busy". (That is a lie, richie is dying from bordem, eddie is trying to find a way out of his house, beverly really wants to see bill but has to do chores, ben is fine actually, and mike, mike is being mike. He is reading a book under a tree). "Fine" i replied and closed my window. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, ate, and perfected my hair, then ran out the door but stopping myself by the door so he dosent think i wanna go. "Byyeeeee sweetyyyy" my mom said with a smile and i just waved and walked out.

"How are you reading when there are so many birds out" i said smiling slightly at him because hes on another bench hanging upside down, his book is facing rightside up while he is upside down so he couldnt be reading. "Because, georgie forces me to watch them all the time, we even caught one before but immediantly let it go" he said smiling at the memory and i took a guess that georgie was his brother. "Does georgie like beverly" i asked randomly and bill looked at me confused. "Well yestreday, not that i was stalking, but when bev came in georgie frowned and then bev closed your curtains" I said starting to get nervous. "Oh uh he just dosent like when bev comes because he always has to leave my room and he likes my room alot, and she closed the curtains because she dosent want people watching us if we kissed, which we didnt that night. She left at 10pm" bill made sure to add the last part and i nodded then spotted a blue jay and took a photo. "Ok im satisfied, whats next" i asked standing up and bill smiled, "ICE CREAM" oh god.

Jealousy (stenbrough)Where stories live. Discover now