part 3

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The rest of the day went by fast, everyone left me alone except for the end of the day, ugh. "hey stan, do you have a p-phone" billy boy asked and i nodded pulling it out of my pocket. "C-can i maybe uh have your n-n-number" he asked and i wasnt really up for it but then i accidently met bills eyes and it just slipped out, "yeah sure". He handed me his phone and i typed it in before i changed my idotic mind. He typed in my name and i got a glimpse, it was Stanny, i felt my face hat up again and this funny feelings so i waved bye and rode home.

That night during dinner, bill texted me, 'Hi :D'. I smiled a little and my mom got all excited, "IS THAT A GIRL!?". "No mom, its just a friend from school" i responded typing 'Hello :)' back. "Whats her name" she asked and i rolled my eyes, "HIS name is Stan, Stanley uris, and dont call him urin". My mom laughed a little and i gave her a death stare. I went up to my room and had a coversation with bill before i slept.

billyboy: wow your way nicer on text
stanny: *you're* and no i just have taken a liking too you
billyboy: why, i stutter when im nervous and im a loser
stanny: well i am a loser too, and i never had friends except for my mom
billyboy: huh we have more in common than i thought
stanny: yeah i guess we do
Stan smiled at his phone and felt his face heat up again and it felt like he it shouldnt, he didnt like how he felt towards bill, it was almost a romantic, or crush feeling.
billyboy: gotta go, i gotta date with beverly
stanny: oh, how long have yall been a couple
billyboy: only a year cause we met during the summer, you wanna be apart of the losers club stanny
stanny: *because* and sure, i gotta go. Goodnight
billyboy: Ok! and by goodnight
read 12;32
billyboy: see you tommorow
read 12;33
At that moment I felt a pain in my stomach, almost like jelousy, but why would i be jelous. I freaking hate this, im going to sleep, you cant worry if your asleep, and you have a chance of dying and then you wont have to ever worry again. Unless your reborn but you wont remember your past life. Ok im going to sleep, while i think about bill of course because thats how problems and thoughts work.

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