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aAAHHYHREszSUrsetheZusdtiyr gxf. That was my thought when i felt bill body rapped around me, wigukc4wdenrgctieruo, ok im done sorry. SIKE, OIPTIFKNOSPIYFT UBIWDKNUIGFBUHIDNSBTFUDYKNFCGUCIBKTBF(&OGUILANBRCF&DGYUFIIN*DW+&N^Y*FDUBORDPT{)&_UNYT FSBGOUHILBNYIY). Ok now im done. I kept my eyes closed because everyone else was awake. "THEY LOOK ADORABLE" i heard bev whisper yell and i immediantly felt bad. I have her boyfriend, rapped around me. Well it's not like he likes me. "Hey they might be cuter than bill and bev" ben said and i felt anxiety waiting for bev to respond, "I agree, they would be adorable". I felt bill tense alittle and realized he either just woke up or he heard what they had said. I quickly tapped his foot with mine signaling i was awake, he tapped back. "Ok let make breakfeast" mike said and they all agreed and went behind a wall to her kitchen in the basement.

We layed for a few seconds longer then bill pulled his arm off of me. "Sorry" he said and his face was red, "Its fine, i promise" i said and my face was definetly red too. "Did you hea-" i interupted him, "Yeah, i did hear bev". "Do you think ben likes bev" he asked and i thought for a moment before nodding. "I think i met let him have her, she is way more like, smily around him and im starting to like someone else anyway" he said looking at the floor and then at me, i had to hold back my smile. "Do whatever you feel is right bill" i said and he nodded and smiled. In my mind i was like 'DO IT BIOTCH' but i didnt say that.

We ate breakfeast waiting for someone to say something. "So stan, bill, howd you sleep" bev said smirking then sipping her im pretty sure some kinda poison, dont ask why this early. "FIne" we both said at the same time messing with out fingers and food. "Mhm, i bet you did" richie said also smirking then eddie hit him, i laughed a little. I suddenly get a text from someone, bill. "he said- 'this is akward' ". I looked at him and nodded, we both smiled, then broke down laughing. I then got a text from my mom saying i had to come home for mother and son time, great. "Whats funny" richie asked and i stopped immediantly, so did bill. We still craked a few smiles. "Uh thanks for having me bev and thanks for inviting me bill but i have to spend time with my mom" i got up and gathered my stuff. "H-hey stan, want me to ride you home" bill asked and i nodded, not really taking in what he said. Bev and richie made noises and i just ignored then, eddie and mike punched them, ben put in his headphones. Smart choice benny, NKOTB fixes everything.

We stopped in my drive way and kinda starred at eachother. "SO uh, i think imma stay longer than everyone else at bevs then break up tonight" he said and i nodded holding back my smile. "Well i send luck" i said putting my bike away and he thanked me. My mom suddenly slammed open the door and smiled running towards us. "Is this billy boy" she asked and i immediantly wanted to die, "Yes ma, this is bill denbrough". "Nice to meet you miss. uris" he said so respectfully and i just fell harder for him. "Thank you bill, and thanks for giving my son friends" i mentally hung my self. "Alright mom, thats enough. Who knows what you might do next, you could show him baby picuters of me" i said pushing her inside and bill smiled, "Now i wanna see that". "NO. Good luck bill and BYE" i said then shut the door. He smiled and hopped on his bike and rode away. "Im going to take a nap" i said and my mom didnt protest and just smiled and nodded.

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