part 10

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Ah school, right infront of me, but i cant seem to move. "STAN" i hear a very uh loud i guess you could say voice. "Stan omg i didnt send that message" it was bill, wtf. "I didnt--send--that message---bev did---" he panted and i just stood there still not being able to move. "I mean we did make out but we didnt sleep together, i uh am still, you know what you get the point" he said finally standing straight and i kinda regained controll of my body. "Wait, so you did break up" i asked and he shook his head while starring at the floor. "Ok uh well, if you still wanna good luck" i said then parked my bike and went inside before richie or bev showed up. "Wait bill, you seem upset. Whats up" he asked grabbing my shoulder and i just shook it off. I walked inside while he stood there confused.

I HATEE LUNCHHHH. "No greta i will not go out with you" i said for the 10th time, literaly. "WHY, im way better then every girl here" she said and i stood up. "Id rather fuck victor criss then lay a hand on you" then i walked away. I saw the whole bowers gang look at me kinda shocked and victor just about had his eyes fall out. "UGH" i heard greta stomp then walk off probably planning some stupid rummer so i yelled before leaving the lunch room, "And say as many rummers you want, i dont care". She rolled her eyes, henry and victor laughed a little, and bill looked impressed which made me extremley proud of myself.

"Hey stan, can you not use me in refrenses because now henry wants me to sleep with you" victor said and i laughed. "Yeah sorry vic, it was a moment thing. Ill stop" he smiled and walked away. I leanered that victor and patrick think im cool and henry is scared of me, im friends with belch and victor. "hey stanny, how was schoool" bill asked riding next to me. "Great" i said sarcastically and he frowned. "Whats up with you, you seem ruder than normal" he asked and i rolled my eyes. "Its no reason, im just upset at something" i said, "What are you upset at". "I cant tell anyone, especially you" i said then parked my bike and went in my house.

"No dinner, love y-" why the fuck is he here. "Leave" i said starring at the tall man in my living room who was suppose to be in jail. "Well thats no way to speak to your uncle". "Your not my uncle, where is my mom" i asked and he nodded to her room. I ran over to my room and saw her on the bed, hopefully asleep. I shook her and she woke up, "whats wrong sweety", "Rob is here". She sat up quickly and told me to stay here.

Its been about 20 minutes and the cops are here, also i heard a gun shot. My mom came in and smiled a little. "Uh hes dead" she said and i didnt know if i should be happy, realived, or worried. "The cops are cleaning up and you should go to bed" she said and i nodded. I went upstairs into my room and saw bill talking to his little brother, he was adorable. Then bev came in and the small kids smile fell and he left. bev closed the curtains then i saw nothing. I closed mine and then fell asleep myself.

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