part 4

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I woke up the next day, again regretting it. This time my mom opened my door then screamed, "FOODS READY CORPSE!" i nodded and got up. She also made waffles, just waffles. "Uh heres the chocolate" she handed me a bag of chocolate marshmellows, "And im late so bye, love you, have a great day, and dont die" she then ran out the door. "Well great" i said eating a handful of marhsmellows. I then went up stairs, changed, brushed my teeth and hair. I then stared at a bird before actually riding on my bike then i would see bill smile ro himself in the corner of my eye and i would snap back.

"So what excatly is a losers club" i asked and richie laughed, "Its a group of friends, us, and we are losers together. Didnt you have friends in your old town" i shook my head and richie was about to saw something rude, i could tell, before bill cut in, "He likes birds, escpacially blue jays". I felt my face heat up again and i quickly looked away and smiled to myself. "Ah another loser, nice. But tell me, where there any girl losers at your school" he said winking, i rolled my eyes. "Ive never been interested in a girl, no feelings towards them" i said and i saw bill smile the tiniest smile. "Oh so your another homo like me and eds, and bill over here likes guys and gals" i nodded then shook my head fast, the little one, eddie, slapped richie again. "No no, ive ever had feelings for anyone, and i this place is making me uncomfortable and making me feel things i didnt in my old town so im not sure at this point". Richie smirked, "Its se-" bill cut in, "Its a crush stan". "yeah well i dont like it, it makes me jelous when they go out with other people and i smile and blush when they talk to me and-and" i started freaking out at that point and speedwalked off, ignoring bill and beverlys calls.

"I just met them and they already got a glimpse of my bad side" i said to my mom and she smiled, "Its not your bad side, you are just more emotinal. And plus your feelings things towards people and you just didnt like it, and its fine. And its just a crush right" she asked slashed said and i nodded. I knew what she meant, and yes it was just a crush i suppose, i mean i didnt wanna do anymore than kiss them, i just dont like it and especially for a boy. My mom had to pick me up because i was having a panic attack so i went bed and slept, suprisingly all night.

Jealousy (stenbrough)Where stories live. Discover now