part 9

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I was sitting on my bed deciding what record to listen to when i got a text from bill.
Billyboy: heyyyyyy stannnnnn
billyboy: so about the breaking up thing, its not happenin
me: ok, is there a reason
billyboy: nope bye
me: bye?
what the frick just happened. Im texting richie.
me: has bill said anything to you
annoyingglasses: possibly
me: what did he do
annoyingglasses: he might of slept with beverly
annoyingglasses: why does it matter anyway
annoyingglasses: whatever, keep being secretive. Also i heard gretta took a likeing to you so watch out tommorow
Great, my freaking crush, definitly crush, just lost his v too beverly and i have freaking bowers girl toy liking me. Shoot me in the eye and burn me with hot coal. Oh i feel so sorry for ben i should text him.
me: hey ben
benny: yeah
me: have you heard and if you have are you ok, i know you like beverly
benny: yeah i heard and its fine, i for sure thought they would break up soon though
me: hey, sex cant keep a realationship going for too long
benny: hopefully. Also why do you care if they break up
me: for you
benny: oh ok, well goodnight
me: night ben
Who goes to bed at 6, he must be tired. (no offense people who go to bed at 6). Im just gonna listen to 'I wanna be loved by you' till i eventually pass out. Tommorow is gonna suck.

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