part 12

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"Ok uh what flavor did you get" I asked as bill sat next to me, "Strawberry, how about you". "Vanillia" he laughed a little and i just rolled my eyes. "You really got the most basic flavour, they have a ice cream flavour litteraly called bird" he said and i looked at him, "You think imma eat ice cream named bird, no i would feel like im eating a bird". He burst out laughing and i just kept eating my ice cream. "Yo look, its the two fags" i heard a voice say and knew it was henry. I didnt care because i knew he was slightly scared of me. "We should go before he starts some rumor" bill said standing up. Henry came over and starred at me then bill waiting for us to say something, so i did. "What you think we're gonna run or beg you not to hurt us" i said and he just rolled his eyes. "No, i just wanna make sure you know what you are" he said and i rolled my eyes. I was about to walk away annoyed when i felt bill grab my shirt and pulled me in, then HUGGED ME. "There, you happy, can you leave now" he said and henry just walked away. I stood there frozen and bill turned towards out bikes, "Lets go, i promised georgie id let him meet you". J KDJFFUYGUILOSKL:I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA KISS ME?!

"GEORGIE IM HOME" bill yelled and the small boy came running down the stairs. "BILLY, is this your boyfriend" the little one asked and both out faces heated up. "N-no georgie, bev is my girlfriend remember" bill said and georgie rolled his eyes. "Whats his name, is it the boy your always texting" he asked and bill nodded, "His name is stan, stanley uris". "Ok well i have school work so bye stanny, bye billy" the little guy ran off into a room and shut the door. "Hes sweet" i said and bill laughed and nodded.

"so your not breaking up with bev" i said while sitting on his bed. "No, i am i jut dont know how" he responded. "By the way bev texted me and said shes coming over but you can stay" he said and i shook my head, "You could break up then"  i said and he nodded. "Ok lets play truth or dare" he said and i just went along with it.

AFter a few rounds bill finally asked, "Truth or dare", "Truth". "Um ok, where was your first kiss" bill asked and i almost died, "I uh havent, yeah" i said and he had a huge suprise face on. "OMG wait so like never" he said and i shook my head. "I can be your first kiss" he said and i almost fainted. "Yeah, were friends and friends kiss all the time" he said and i just didnt know what to do so i just nodded. "Ok uh just close your eyes" he said so i did and a few seconds later i felt his soft lips on mine. He had his hand on my face and without realizing i did the same. We ended up doing way longer than i expected and i think you could call it a make-out. Bills phone started ringing but he for some reason ignored it and kept kissing me, i didnt mind. Eventually he ran out of air i guess and he answered his phone. "Y-yeah" he said and i could hear bev voice on the other line, shit i just made out with a dude that has a girlfriend. I mean he is about to break up with her, its still not right though. "Uh stan you gotta go, im gonna do it but i dont want her to think its because of you" he said and i nodded. Before walking out of the room i turned around, "Thanks for the first kiss" i said and his face turned red. Mine was already a tomato.

I layed in my bed wondering what bill was doing then thought of what he said, ' i dont want her to think its because of you'. Oh how i wish it was because of me. I wish he was breaking up with her so we could do that more often. His lips were soft even though they always look chaped, and it felt perfect like it was meant to be, but it probably isnt. I fell asleep slowly thinking about bill and beverly. And how sad shed be. But she has ben dosent she, who knows.

Jealousy (stenbrough)Where stories live. Discover now