1. A New Beginning

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There was louding yelling and banging coming from outside the cell. The girl, who sat on her messy lone bunk, the book 1984 by George Orwell in hand, ignored the noises. Every once in a while one of the other delinquents would decide to try and fight back against the guard but it would only last for a few moments. This time it not only lasted longer but got louder.

Out of curiosity, Adalynn Kane disregarded her book and stood to her feet. As she neared the door in an attempt to peak out the narrow window in the door, the mechanisms whirled, unlocking with ease. It startled her backwards to see two Guardsmen in their usual attire.

"Put these on." The guard on her left handed her a deep green jacket and a black leather jacket, throwing black laced boots at her feet.

"What's going on?" The girl questioned as she looked between the two, her thoughts rushing around in her mind. Her birthday wasn't today. Today was her last day to gather her thoughts and write out what she wanted to say to those she was going to leave behind tomorrow on her eighteenth birthday, "I deserve another trial, you both know that."

"Do as you're told." The other guard demanded of her, her eyes shifted to behind the men where she could see a bunch of the other prisoners, most younger than her, being escorted out of their own cells and towards the same dreaded direction. They were a sacrifice, useless individuals taking up limited oxygen.

"You're executing all of us, aren't you?" The realization suddenly hit the girl as the two in front of her looked at one another knowingly, "You can't do that. A majority of them are children. You're out of your mind, we deserve our retrails."

"Put on your clothes and give us your right wrist." He ignored her statement, holding out the hand that had the clothing in it.

"If you do not comply, we will use force to mak-"

"Adalynn!" A male's voice cut off the guard's. Suddenly, Marcus Kane was just behind the two guardsmen. The shock in the girl's expression was something she could not hide but it was quickly replaced by anger.

"You're executing all the juvenile delinquents?" She didn't hesitate to question her father, knowing he would've been a part of the decision.

"You're not being executed, you're being sent to the ground."

"What?" The tone was an angry one as she looked at her father. A memory suddenly pulled itself to the forefront of her mind as she glanced behind her, a stack of Earth skill books stacked underneath her bunk, her head whipped around and looked to the tall man in front of her, "You purposely sent me those books, you've known for a month this was going to happen? It's a death sentence and you know it!"

"I'm doing this for you, everything I've done is for you." Marcus' words only angered the girl more as she stepped forward to be nearly chest to chest with him, neither of them faltering.

"You locked me in a cell." Her voice dripped venom, "You left me when I needed you the most, you never checked on me, and now you're sending me to die on Earth."

"It's a tracker, it'll tell me your vitals when you're on the ground." He said as he watched the girl tug at it, hissing when it pinched her skin, "I love you, Addie. I hope you remember that."

She scoffed at his words,"You're killing me just like you killed mom and you know it."

With a heaviness in both their chests, Marcus turned off and began to head back down the long and crowded hallways of the Skybox.

The one guard who still held onto the clothing extended the hand again. This time though, the girl glanced between the fabric and his face before snatching it out of his hands and pulling both jackets over her shoulders. She turned back and made the couple steps to the discarded boots she pulled on, lacing them lazily before standing to her height again and looking to the two guards once more.

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