9. Fire First

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"To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way." Jaha's speech was projected to them through the screen moved out to besides the dropship for everyone to hear but no one listened as their Unity Day festivities had already began. Monty and Jasper cooking up their moonshine and passing it out, people munching on food they had harvest and caught, spirits lifted, and enjoying their time. Jaha continued on his speech before the pageant began.

"Remembering your time being in the pageant?" Bellamy's voice called out to Adalynn who watched the pageant's beginning.

"Oh yeah, time of my life." Adalynn scoffed at the memory of her, Clarke, and Wells being apart of the pageant at the same time, how they met.

"You know that's still my favorite picture of you." He teased, handing the girl one of the glasses in his hand full of the Unity Juice, as Monty and Jasper called it. The picture he referred to was the group photo all the pageant participates took after their performance. It hung with the rest in one of the main halls of the Ark.

"Please stop." Adalynn cringed and laughed at the same time at even the thought of that picture. Her smile so wide in it that her face looked ready to break, her hair pulled up into high pigtails. she wore a floral dress, folded over, ruffle socks, and white tennis shoes her mother had put together for the girl. She never thought she would miss those days until they hit the ground.

"I remember you avoiding that hallway like it was the black plague." He pulled her out of her memories. The laugh that made his chest rumble made the girl look at him, mused at the amount of pleasure he was getting from making her cringe.

"Oh, you remember what the black plague was?" Adalynn teased him now as she took a long drink of it.

"Only because I had the best tutor." He winked at the girl.

"You only passed that class because I made you study for it."

He was going to respond, smile wide on both their faces when suddenly a loud piercing sound emitted from the screen, it cutting to white noise.

"Strange." Adalynn commented, hitting it slightly.

"Solar flare probably cut it off." He suggested, but something felt odd about it to the girl yet she shrugged it off nevertheless.

"Probably. I'll still tell Raven though."

"Alright but hey, enjoy today. You deserve it." Bellamy pointed at her she only laughed, raising her cup in the air.

"To Unity Day, Bellamy Blake!" He returned the girl's gesture, both of them taking a sip through their smiles before Adalynn turned off to search for the genius engineer.


The day got taken over by night as the power continued to rage on. Bonfires were lit and more Unity Juice was passed around. Conversations were loud, make shift instruments louder, and several drinking games happening all around. Adalynn shuffled her way through the ground, her eyes set on Bellamy who was off to the side, apple in hand as he smiled pure joy.

"Best Unity Day ever." He called out to her as she approached him, stumbling slightly as she handed him a cup, "You enjoying yourself, peaches?"

"Oh yeah." She spoke louder than she usual does; eyes glossy, smile wide, "I'm not as bad as you were that first night you got drunk off your ass with your friends though."

"You remember that?" He mused, nose scrunched, cringing at the memory.

"Hell yeah I do!" She exclaimed, the buzz she felt making her free feeling with her words, "I had to basically drag you to your home. It was the first time I met Octavia."

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