24. The Airlock Dilemma

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"Adalynn!" A yell caught the girl's attention, it was Octavia who came bounding around the corner, panic clearly written all over her face.

"O? What's wrong?" She asked as the girl came to a halting stop in front of her.

"They need you in medical." She replied through heavy breaths, "Something happened."

She didn't think twice, her feet picking up speed as she rushed to the medical wing.

"What the hell is going on?" Adalynn asked as she came into a chaotic scene. People rummaging around, Abby yelling commands at people while holding down a presumed bullet wound on a Grounder, Jackson was trying to look through the mask of a hazmat suit with Clarke by his side.

"Adalynn help!" Abby called to her, she quickly responded rushing to the opposite of the doctor.

"What do you need?"

"Grab more gauze and hold it to the wound." The commands were followed as Adalynn placed more gauze overtop of the oozing wound and pushed pressure into it, as the doctor walked away to find her supplies to help, "I need o negative blood!"

"Clarke, what happened out there?" Addie asked, glancing up to her friend who stood over the body of a man in a hazmat suit, the symbol of Mount Weather on the shoulder, "Why did you bring someone from Mount Weather here?"

"He was sent to kill us. If we keep him alive, we can get information out of him." The doors swinging open again, Raven coming through with concern crossing her face, Clarke didn't give any other answers as her attention shifted to the engineer, "Anything from Bellamy?"

"No." Raven replied not taking her eyes off of the scene in front of her.

"Then why aren't you with the radio?" Clarke's snap caused Raven to look directly at her, eyes angered already.

"Octavia just took my place. How about you back off?" Raven snapped right back. As Adalynn looked between the two girls, ready to intergect in their ongoing bickering, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eyes. It was Jackson, who began to pull the mask off of the Mount Weather native.

"Jackson, don't!" Adalynn called from across the room, stopping the doctor in his tracks as he looked towards her, "That suit is the only thing keeping him alive.

"How can we treat him if we can't touch him?" He asked.

"I can rig up some scrubbers in the air lock." Raven said after thinking for a moment, "Give me 20 minutes"

With that she was gone. At the same time, Adalynn could feel the Grounder's pulse giving out beneath her full pressure, the man's eyes beginning to roll backwards.

"Hey! Stay with me!" Addie called down at the man, looking around the room for the doctor, "Abby! I need your help! We're losing him!"

Abby came rushing over. She cupped his head with her hands as she looked at him, "Hey, stay with us. You've got to fight."

The only response he gave to them was the rattling sound of his last breath as his head went limp in Abby's hands.

"He's gone." The Doctor confirmed, as the room went silent. Both of the Ark natives backed away from the man, looking to his people. They watched as Indra made her way over to the man, then backing up to give her space. She took a knife from her belt, pulled one of his braids from around his face and cutting it as she spoke the words, "Yu gonplei ste odon."

She lifted her head, looking towards Adalynn with eyes that looked like she wanted her to spontaneously combust right there on the spot before turning to Clarke, "A killer lives while a warrior dies? This is your way?"

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