10. The Sickness

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The valley, once filled with lush green trees, was now destroyed, full of ruble from the ship. Large, small, in-between scraps of metal, trees, grass, even dead bodies - skeletons - still let off smoke. Each skeleton Adalynn looked over made her think of her father. Her emotions and thoughts conflicting.

Over the last year and a half, she had convinced herself that she doesn't need her father. That she doesn't care about her father. That she despised her father for what he did. So why did her heart feel like it was ripped out of her chest and stomped on over and over again?

She could hear Raven, Finn, and Bellamy arguing a few meters away from her but it sounded muffled as she stared at another skeleton. A smell catches her attention though as it invades her nose and pains her almost. Assuming the smell came from a nearby puddle full of an oily looking substance. She leans down closer to it, investigating it.

"Addie! Stop!" Raven's voice interrupting her, she looked over and saw the girl jogging quickly to her, panic on her face.

"Rocket fuel?" Adalynn question as she saw Finn, Bellamy, and Clarke come join them.

"Hydrazine." She responded, kneeling to investigate it, "Highly unstable in its non-solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist."

She picks up a nearby rock, dipping it in the liquid before turning to the group.

"Fire in the hole!" She throws the rock into a nearby fire, it exploding on impact, shaking the ground around them, some ruble falling as the sound echoed. Raven turned to Bellamy, the only stale leader right now, "We need to clear the area."

"Okay, we move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We've got to get back before dark." Bellamy jumped into orders, making a plan with ease.

They walked in formation as Bellamy told them to. There was pleasant small talk here and there but nothing holding weight, which was okay. Needed, actually, Adalynn thought to herself. The sun had settled itself into the ground again, the moon taking over as they approached the camp. Something was off again, the noise of the camp louder than it usual was at this time. Bellamy glanced back, locking eyes with Adalynn, the two silently agreed, walking slightly faster and ahead, pushed through the gate.

"Murphy's back." Monty informed the group as they came in, he pointed to the dropship and that's where their formation headed to immediately.

"Where is he?" Bellamy pushed through the drape, gun still in hand. The group of delinquents in the room split down the middle to reveal Murphy. He was curled on the ground, leaning in a corner of the ship. He looked horrid, cuts, bruises, dirt, and blood splattered all over him. He could barely open his eyes to look up at the new people in the room.

"Everyone but Connor and Derek out. Now!" Bellamy's command was followed, the room clearing leaving only seven of them left: Adalynn, Bellamy, Clarke, Finn, Connor, and Derek.

"He claims he was with the grounder." Derek informed, gun in hand.

"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Connor added in.

"I wasn't sneaking." Murphy spoke up, his voice quiet and as soft as anyone has ever heard, "I was running from Grounders."

"Anyone see Grounders?" Bellamy scoffed looking to the two boys who were there. They both shook their heads negatively, "Well in that case."

"Hey!" Finn grabbed the nozzle of the gun Bellamy raised to Murphy, shoving it down, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"We were clear what would happen if he came back."

"No." Finn stood between the two boys now, "If he was with the grounders, then he knows things that could help us!"

Adalynn looked around Finn to scan over Murphy's body. She swallowed hard as she took in his gnarly appearance. His hands though are what really caught her attention. Not only were they covered in blood, cuts, and dirt but it was especially concentrated at the tips of the fingers. She stepped around Finn only for him to grab her by the bicep.

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