Chapter 1

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Tom and (Y/N) walked to the kitchen and saw Edd leaning on the counter, drinking some cola while Matt and Tord sat at the table. Tom strolled to the fridge to grab a drink as (Y/N) sat next to Matt, immediately catching Tord's attention. "Ah, (Y/N)! You've changed so much since I've last seen you. Why's that?"

"Maybe it's 'cause I felt betrayed when someone decided to leave to make it in the big city without telling me," (Y/N) said through clenched teeth as the main gang looked at the girl, concern clearly visible on their faces. "You know, maybe that's it,"

Tord tried to reach for (Y/N)'s hand only for her to pull it closer to her and send a small glare to the boy. Edd had gone to the fridge and grabbed a cola, handing it to (Y/N), who thanked him before taking the drink from his hand. Tord saw the smile (Y/N) gave Edd, so kind and cheerful. If only she'd have that type of attitude towards him. Tord shook the thought out of his head as he changed the topic.

"So, (Y/N). Any new hobbies you've picked up?" (Y/N)'s eyes sparkled at the question. She quickly stood up, pushing her chair back and running upstairs. Tord was stunned by the sudden energy until he heard some footsteps coming from upstairs, he saw the girl running down with something in hand, a black microphone in hand.

"Me and Tom started doing music! Well, more like covers, but we perform in front of Edd and Matt sometimes!" Tord let out a soft chuckle, placing his chin in his hand and leaning against the table with a smile. He thought that (Y/N) was adorable when she talked about something she's really passionate about, the way her eyes light up and her contagious smile, it made Tord feel a sense of joy.

(Y/N) noticed Tord's daydream stare and it worried her a bit. What caused him to have such a lovestruck look, especially for someone like him? Tom tapped Tord's shoulder, knocking Tord out of his trance, his face flushed red like his hoodie.

"Stop your staring, commie," Tom said, a slight growl to his voice. (Y/N) waved her hand down, causing Tom to roll his nonexistent eyes before standing next to Edd. The girl thanked Tom as she returned her attention to the upset Tord who sat in front of her.

"Sorry, Tom can be a bit overprotective. Especially after the," she said, her smile and eyes showed flashes of pain. (Y/N) put on a smile as she stood up, slamming her hands on the table and pushing her chair back. "Oh, and for your information, Tord. I still don't forgive you,"

Tord felt an urge to leap out of his chair and hug (Y/N), anything to make her stay and forgive him, but he sat still and watched the girl walk up the stairs. "So, what exactly happened to (Y/N) when I left?"

Edd looks at Tom, who rolled his eyes once more before giving a small nod. Edd pushed in the chair (Y/N) had pushed back from her small rage and sat down, facing Tord with a blank stare, unsure if (Y/N) would want him to tell Tord about how hard his move had affected her. Edd finally decided that Tord deserved to know what happened to his previous best friend.


"Tord left?" (Y/N) whispered, a few tears forming as Tom and Edd nodded. (Y/N) grabbed her head as though the thought of Tord having left caused a major headache. Edd noticed (Y/N) swaying a bit and walked up to the girl, motioning her to the couch. The two of them strolled to the couch and sat down, (Y/N) hugging herself as her mind was still processing the news. "He left without saying good-bye. Why would he do that?"

Tom and Matt joined Edd and (Y/N) on the couch, sitting on both sides of the girl. Matt wrapped his arms around (Y/N), comforting her as the two brunettes followed suit, hugging (Y/N) in an attempt to take her mind off Tord. More tears fell down (Y/N)'s face as she buried her face into her hands.


"She just sat there, crying as we hugged her. We tried our best to calm her down," Tord listened intently as he imagined the scenario. He felt a slight sting in his heart, but he shook it off. He noticed how Edd had a solemn look in his eyes as he looked back on the memory. "After that moment, she started hanging out with all of us a lot more, but I think Tom can tell you who she hung out with most,"

Edd pointed to Tom with a slight grin as Tom gave a small laugh. Tom took the seat in between Edd and Tord as he started to tell his side of the story.


"You've been crying a lot over him," (Y/N) lifted her head up to Tom, who stood in her doorway with a drink in hand. (Y/N) didn't say a word, her mind still on Tord. The brunette sighed as he let himself in and plopped down on the black bed. He handed (Y/N) the drink, hoping she'd at least take it and to his surprise, she did. "Hey, how's about I play Susan for a bit? It might help calm you down,"

(Y/N)'s eyes looked up at him as a smile formed on her lips, leading Tom to feel a sense of relief. Tom slowly stood up, jogging to his room to grab Susan and get back to (Y/N) as soon as possible. After grabbing Susan and going back to (Y/N)'s room, Tom sat down on the carpet floor with his legs crisscrossed as (Y/N) laid down on her bed upon Tom's request.

"Now, you just try to relax. I'll be here playing till you fall asleep," (Y/N) let out a quiet, 'Okay,' as she closed her eyes and cuddled into her blanket, the sound of the bass lulling her to sleep.


"After that, well, it became our little thing. Anytime she was down, she'd ask me to play for her till she fell asleep," Tom explained, reminiscing the days that he and (Y/N) would just sit in comfortable silence with only the sounds of Tom's bass playing filling the room.

"If you really want to know more about how she changed. I'd suggest you try and ask her yourself," Edd said, pointing to the stairs, where (Y/N) had gone up to blow off some steam. Tord stared at the stairs, contemplating on whether he should take up Edd on his suggestion. A few minutes passed as Tord had made up his mind.

"You know what, I think I will," and with that, Tord stood up from his seat and walked to the stairs. He took a deep breath and started to make his way up the stairs and to the attic, where he'd find (Y/N).

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