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"How could I ever make it up to you?" Tord muttered, still holding onto (Y/N) as though his life depended on it.

(Y/N)'s sobs began to slow, her face now stained with tears as she removed her face from Tord's chest to look into his light blue eyes. "Just, please don't leave me again," she said, "I'm so done with acting tough. All I ever wanted was for you to stay by my side, like you always had." Her hand slowly trailed down to meet his, their fingers intertwined as she gave his hand a light squeeze. An action that Tord returned with a smile tugging at his lips. All that filled his mind was the moment that was happening right now.

A moment he never thought he'd experience, much less with (Y/N), who stood directly in front of him. Her touch is unmistakably real and warm. "(Y/N), I... I want to apologize. For everything," he whispered as his eyes trailed down to the ground. Though that didn't last long as he felt a hand gently grab his chin and lift his face up to meet (Y/N)'s eyes. Eyes that held nothing but love and care. Tord could feel his face flush at the sight as he tried to calm his racing heart.

"I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it," she softly caressed his face with her thumb. "But promise you won't do something as stupid as this ever again," she joked. Tord's eyes widened a bit at the sudden mood change but he gladly welcomed it as he rubbed the back of his neck with a slight laugh.

"For you, anything."

"Anything, you say?" (Y/N) gave a sly smirk which soon turned into a joyous laugh as she watched Tord's face explode into a deep shade of red. "Get your mind out of the gutter, you perv." The whole group laughed at (Y/N)'s comment, aside from Tord, whose face was still red as he tried to sputter out any coherent sentence he could come up with. He soon coughed a bit as he felt someone smack his back.

"It's good to have you back, Tord!" Edd said, his smile wide as (Y/N) and Matt both nodded with smiles on their faces. Tom on the other hand, just gave a small nod and left it at that. Tord felt a smile tug at his lips, his worries seemed to fade as he took a good look at the gang. While not all of them were as ecstatic as the others, he still felt a feeling of joy and care as it filled the air.

"Oh! We should celebrate!" (Y/N) said, a smile on their face. "Though, we should probably hide the giant robot that's in front of our house before it starts to attract any more attention." Tord sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck and muttered a small apology under his breath. "Yeah, I'll get right to that, but I am gonna need some... help?" He said, a bit scared to ask for some assistance, knowing full well that the group wouldn't at all mind. Everyone gave a nod in response as they awaited orders from Tord on what to do.

Edd helped Tord back into the cockpit as (Y/N) and Tom rushed back to Tom's room to handle the controls to the platform that lifted the robot up to the ground. Meanwhile, Matt made sure that everything was going smoothly. The team worked together and successfully returned the robot back to it's original place to which Tord heaved a heavy sigh of relief before hopping out of the robot. The minute his feet hit the ground, he stumbled a bit as he felt something collide with his body. His sudden shock melted into laughter from the feeling of familiar arms wrapping around him, pulling him closer to them.

"Pretty clingy lately, aren't we?" He lightly teased her.

"Shut up," he heard (Y/N) mutter into the back of his hoodie. "This is what you get for leaving," Tord's smile grew at her words. It was comforting to have them start to ease into their old friendship. Oh, how he missed her hugs.

"Alright, who wants to watch a movie after this fiasco?" Edd spoke up, raising the case of a random movie. Everyone looked at each other, a smile on their faces as they all cheered and made their way to the living room. While Edd and Matt raced to get the best seat on the couch, Tom walked right behind them as (Y/N) soon let go of Tord. She walked next to him, neither of them saying much as the silence was surprisingly comforting for the two of them.

It isn't long until they felt their hands brush against each other, a soft jolt coming from the both of them. Tord's face turned the same color as the hoodie he always wore and in his flustered state, was unable to see (Y/N)'s own flustered reaction to the small touch. They both held their hands close to their sides, refusing to face the other at that very moment. While the commotion of argument fills the house, Tord and (Y/N) are seemingly in a world of their own.

"I think I already found them."

Tord jumped at the sound of a soft voice breaking the agonizing silence. He looked at (Y/N), who had a nostalgic look in their eyes as a calm aura washed through them. "Well, I'm glad I found mine." A smile graced their face, a smile that could rival the warmest fire. If anything could make his heart skip a beat, it was her smile. This wasn't the end of her thoughts though as she reached out a hand, laying it atop his own. He felt his breath hitch a bit at the soft touch of her hand, his body growing warm, he didn't hesitate to intertwine his fingers with hers. The two of them fit together like a puzzle piece, a perfect match. A soft giggle slipped past (Y/N)'s lips at the sight of Tord's face, the red hue of his face was a beautiful sight indeed. To (Y/N), nothing was better than this moment right here, right now.

"You done with your little moment?" Tom asked, a slight amused look on his face that matched Edd and Matt's. Tord and (Y/N) stuttered a number of incoherent excuses, only eliciting light-hearted laughs from the classic trio. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. C'mon, we've got a movie to watch." The two lovebirds gave a small nod in agreement, sitting down on the couch with the others, fingers still interlocked. Neither of them letting go of the other's hands instead, giving a soft squeeze of reassurance to tell the other that they're still there. Right next to them and not going anywhere anytime soon.


The crew watched movies late into the night, from comedy to horror, they watched them all before ending on the classic: "Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell" series. Everyone was having a blast, everything was back to normal. Well... almost everything.

Soon after, the gang had begun to retreat into their rooms, one by one they headed to bed. First it was Matt, then Tom, Edd and lastly, (Y/N). She let out a soft yawn, her eyes had grown heavy from all the excitement of this single day. While she wanted to walk to her room and get into bed, Tord had other plans. He had noticed the sudden tired actions of the woman next to him. A gentle look in his eyes as he stood up, one arm hooking under her knees as the other wrapped around her back and held her shoulder, pushing her against his chest. "Let's get you to bed, it's been a long day."

(Y/N) was too tired to say anything, instead responding with a small nod as she laid her head on his chest, feeling sleep begin to consume her. A soft chuckle left Tord's mouth from the sight of (Y/N)'s weary figure in his arms. How he had longed for this day. One last gaze and he began to make his way to (Y/N)'s room, doing his best to make sure that the ride there was as smooth as humanly possible. It took a bit of effort, but to Tord, it was worth every struggle and effort to see the woman he fawned over lay in bed at peace. Tord smiled to himself, beginning to make his way out of the room when a tug of his sleeve stopped him from taking any further steps. "Please, don't leave."

"After everything that happened today," Tord spoke, moving into bed with (Y/N) and turning to his side, looking into her eyes. "I wouldn't dream of leaving your side," he finished his sentence. The two of them stared at each other in comfortable silence, neither daring to break it. Though, that was about to change as Tord had been gathering up the courage to take the risk he had been avoid all this time.

I love you.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at the sudden confession, but her shock soon melted into warmth and realization. She noticed the look of fear in Tord's eyes and it broke her heart. So, she let the smile that was on her face grow as she pressed her forehead against his, the action was a simple touch, but that action was filled with nothing less than the overflowing love she felt for him and she could feel the same overflowing love that he felt for her. And, with four simple words, all of Tord's previous fears and worries faded away.

I love you too.

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