Chapter 8

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"(Y/N)! Wake up!"

(Y/N) let out a groan and pulled her blanket over her head, hoping that the person would go away, but today wasn't in her favor.

"Tom and Tord are fighting again!" Edd's voice boomed throughout the room and (Y/N) felt a sense of deja vu.


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Edd and Matt came running into (Y/N)'s room, a look of worry on their faces as they yelled out (Y/N)'s name with a tone of urgency.

"What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked, putting down her phone and trying her best to help the two boys calm down.

After a while of heavy breathing and deep breathes, one of the boys finally spoke up. That boy being Edd.

"Tom and Tord are fighting... again," (Y/N) let out a sigh as she pushed her way through the two boys and walked down the stairs to see the rival duo.

Tom was holding onto the base of his bass, Susan, trying his best to not let Tord, who was holding onto the neck of Susan, snap the strings or scratch the body. (Y/N) walked between the two as they stopped fighting, their attention now on the girl as they waited for her to say something. (Y/N) grabbed Tord's hands and took them off of Susan as Tom quickly pulled Susan into his arms, holding her in a protective embrace. Tord huffed, crossing his arms as he glared at Tom, who glared back at him.

"Tord, what about your promise?" (Y/N) said, trying her best to be assertive, but her tone was still soft and gentle. Tord bit his lip. He knew he had promised (Y/N) that he wouldn't fight with Tom anymore, but it was really hard to keep that promise when Tom gets on his nerves almost everyday. Also, Tord found it fun to annoy Tom for no reason at all.

"I know, but," (Y/N) crossed her arms, pouting a bit and Tord sighed, "Fine, I'll try,"

(Y/N) thanked Tord with a hug, a blush appearing on Tord's face. "Anything for you," Tord muttered.


"Nothing! It's... nothing,"


"Tom Squidgewell and Tord Lawson!" (Y/N) yelled as she heard Tom mutter a barely audible, 'Uh, oh.'

"Uh, oh? What do you mean 'Uh, oh'?!" a familiar Norwegian accent exclaimed, visible fear in his voice as Tom's tone had a tinge of fear, a rare sight.

Tom let go of Tord, who he had in a choke hold, hoping (Y/N) wouldn't see that, unfortunately, luck was not on his side. (Y/N) pinched the bridge of her nose with a sharp exhale as Tord looked between Tom and (Y/N), confused as to what would happen. Tom held his hand out to Tord, confusing Tord even more, until he noticed Tom's slight worried face.

"Take my hand if you don't want this to go south," Tom commanded as Tord placed his hand in Tom's and let the blue-hooded boy help him up to his feet. "I'm sorry,"

After his apology, Tom made his way past (Y/N) and up the stairs to his room. (Y/N) laughed a bit before turning her attention to Tord pushing him onto the couch, forcing the boy to sit down, a bit scared as to what would happen next.

"Explain," (Y/N) sternly said, not having to say another word for Tord to catch onto what she meant.

"Ugh, it was just a joke," Tord replied with a groan.

"Don't lie. We both know you did it to tick Tom off,"

Tord groaned once more as he threw his head back into the couch, not wanting to be scolded any longer.

"No, duh! Of course I did, have you seen his face when he's angry? It's hilarious!"

(Y/N) got closer to Tord's face, the two of them only inches apart with Tord's face a bright red and (Y/N) having a stern look on hers. Tord's heart started beating faster and he felt his breathing stop, until he felt a small pain on his forehead.

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