Chapter 8

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After our Halloween party was over, we had a week to get things ready for Nick to leave for Los Angeles. That's where the memorial for Olivia was being held a few days after the anniversary of her death. Sadly, the memorial was scheduled on November 2, the anniversary of Delaney's death. Hard to believe it had been seven years since my baby died & picturing her as a seven year old was something I did a lot. It was just flashes usually. I would see a little girl on the street who could look like Delaney might have or I would see a photo of Mercy when she was six or seven & I instantly thought of Delaney.

I wasn't planning on attending the memorial, but I was having second thoughts about it. I really didn't want Nick to travel without me because I knew how he was on flights & I also knew that he was having nightmares again. He didn't think I knew, but I did, because I know him better than he knows himself sometimes.

As Nick was packing for his trip the morning of Halloween, I came in the bedroom. "You're leaving Friday morning right?" I asked as I handed Nick a few shirts he had folded nearby. He nodded as he took the shirts, not even looking me in the eyes. He'd been a little distant the last few days & I wasn't sure if it was because of his PTSD coming back because of the anniversary or if it was because of the anniversary of losing Delaney. In any case, I knew I needed to go with him. I arranged for my parents & sisters to come watch the kids. "We're doing trick or treating tonight, right?" I asked, touching his arm, lightly.

"Yea." Nick answered, still not looking at me.

"I need to pack, too." I said, watching his face carefully. He stopped packing & finally, looked at me.

"For what?"

"I'm going with you." I smiled at him as I reached to rub his arm.

Nick's face looked relieved as he turned to face me. "You are? I thought you didn't want to go because of Delaney."

"I want to be.... no I need to be with you that day for two reasons. are the only other person who truly knows what I'm feeling because of losing Delaney seven years ago. So the only place I need to be is with you wherever you are. Two.... this day is very hard for you because of the memories it brings back so I need to be with you to help you through it. I'm your wife & that is in my job description." I ended my sentence with a cheesy smile.

Nick closed his eyes for a moment & when he opened them they were shiny with the hint of tears. I saw him swallow before he pulled me against his chest. "God, I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you, my love, for being amazing." I felt him kiss my head, then he cleared his throat. "I'm really glad you're coming with me, honestly. I feel so relieved & so much stronger knowing you're coming with me." Nick spoke as he pulled away from me.

"You are pretty strong, baby, but I'll take the compliment." I shrugged one shoulder as I hugged Nick around the waist. I helped Nick finish packing, then packed myself, before we went to get the girls up from their nap.

Trick or treating that night was a lot of fun & I definitely could see a change in Nick since I told him I was coming with him to Los Angeles. We were only going to be gone for a few days, but the kids were whining all night about us leaving.

I have to be honest, the memorial for Olivia was extraordinary. It was held at the Hollywood Bowl & anyone who was anyone attended. There were celebrities that she had worked with or knew through dating Nick or being married to Wilmer. There were droves of pageant ladies as well as personal friends & family. It was a touching memorial & Nick was asked to say some words or sing one of the songs they had done together, but he declined both. Everyone understood the reason for his decision. He had suffered not only a loss but survivor's guilt & he didn't want to make it all come back. We didn't even stay for the whole memorial & a lot of people knew it was the anniversary of Delaney's death as well, especially since it had been a trending topic online that day.

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