Chapter 19

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I know Nick was worried about Rafe. Maybe not that I would do anything with him again, but just that he would attempt to get in my head. I know Nick very well & I also knew there was a tiny piece of him that worried history would repeat itself. It was very tiny. Almost minuscule. Nick knew how much I loved him & how much I wanted him to be my husband forever. He also knew that I wasn't the same person as I was all those years ago.

I was upset that I didn't have much choice in whether or not Rafe worked on the music for the show, but it was what it was & I had to make it work. I didn't have to deal with it for a few days after Valentine's day, so I could enjoy some down time. Nick was working or auditioning or meeting with people. He had so many prospects right now, it was ridiculous. He was writing, like he normally did, but he also had several possible movie roles that he was being considered for. The tv show was going to keep me very busy for quite a while, but I was also thinking of doing some other things. I wanted to work on a new album within the year because I missed playing for my fans.

Nick & I were also working on the Diabetes camp when we had the chance & then there was our resolution jar. We had filled it with lots of things to do over the year & so far, we'd crossed off several things. One of the things we wanted to do was travel to a place that neither of us had visited before. This was proving to be difficult because we both had been to so many places. We were scouring places online & we had a few ideas, but we wanted to go alone. Our parents offered to stay with the kids, so we just had to figure out a time when we could go. It was looking like early June was going to work & we were hoping to be gone two weeks. It was going to be like a second honeymoon for us since we hadn't gone on one after we renewed our vows. I was looking forward to it so much.

Two weeks after Valentine's day, Nick had plans on Saturday with Jerry, Reid & Avery. They were all going to a basketball game with Nick's dad, as well as Joe & Joel. I got my mom to watch Harper & Riley, so Mercy & I could spend the day together. I had to go by the studio to pick up some of the sample songs for the tv show, but other than that, the entire day was open. Mercy & I were going to go that morning with Denise & her sisters to tea, then after I swung by the studio, we'd go to lunch, then we'd spend the rest of the day at the spa. I was looking forward to it & so was Mercy.

This was the first time Mercy went to have tea with the ladies & she was super excited. She wore her hat & gloves that went with her Easter dress, so she felt like she was pretty special. I think she had more fun there than she had doing anything else. The staff fussed over her, too, another thing that Mercy enjoyed. She really did love attention, but she wasn't snotty about it.

After our tea, we headed to the studio. "Mommy, why are we going to the studio?" Mercy asked as I drove.

"I have to pick up some possible songs for the tv show that is being done based on my books, remember? They want me to pick some of my favorites." I smiled at her in the rear view mirror.

"Can I listen to them, too?"

"Sure." I pulled the car into the parking deck & we got out to head inside. I went to the studio that I was told to & when I went in, Rafe was sitting at the sound board. "Hello. I didn't realize you were going to be here." I said, like I had a bad taste in my mouth.

"I'm working on another project, but I had the songs with me, so that's why they sent you here to pick them up." Rafe said, standing. He handed me a flash drive as he smiled at Mercy. "She certainly is your mini me." Rafe commented, holding his hand out toward Mercy. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Rafe. I saw you singing at the church online. I was going to talk to your mom about recording you & your brother because I think you both could be huge." Rafe grinned up at me. "I want to be the one who produces their first album."

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