Chapter 29

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I couldn't believe what I had read. It was so good & so sexy, reminding me of 'Fifty Shades of Grey,' but I wasn't happy that my husband was going to be the lead in this amazing movie. Reading some parts of it made me uncomfortable & there were details that hit way too close to home. The script itself made me cry because it was so good, but then after I finished reading it, I started picturing Nick in the role of Jake & I got really upset. I started crying & couldn't stop. I felt like he could develop these feelings for one of his co-stars. He had lusted after both of them at one point in his life, so I knew he found them attractive.

I was sobbing, uncontrollably fearing the unknown, which is what I do sometimes. I know I shouldn't, but it comes with the territory of having a mental illness. Irrational thoughts are pretty common. I was sobbing so hard that I didn't hear Nick come in the room. I took my hands away from my face & saw him standing by the bed, watching me with a confused expression on his face. I glared at him, not even realizing, at first, that I was. I wasn't even really picturing my husband, at first. I was picturing Jake, who cheated on his wife with his older, hot dominating boss.

I saw Nick glance at the script that was lying on the bed beside me. He knew I'd read it. I saw him inhale, deeply, but he wasn't saying anything. "Yep. I found your script." I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"I wasn't trying to hide it." He replied, his voice flat.

"But you didn't show me. I had to find it myself."

Nick sighed, rolling his eyes upward. "Demi, I just got the script on my last day in L.A. I didn't even finish reading it until yesterday."

"So you read it all?"


"Did you tell them you weren't going to do it now?" I asked, my voice high, with hope.

Nick's forehead creased in confusion. "What? Why would I tell them I'm not doing it?'

I grabbed the script & shook it in front of me. "This fucking movie is like 'Fifty Shades,' Nick. Between the mistress & the wife, there are a lot of sex scenes."

"Yes.... and?" Nick raised his shoulders as his palms faced the ceiling.

"You're gonna be simulating sex with two women you have had the hots for since you were a teenager."

Nick sighed & groaned at the same time as his head fell back. "Oh my God, not this again. Jesus, Demi, I have simulated sex before on camera & it wasn't all that romantic or sexy & not once did I get turned on by the women or feel myself attracted to them & they were all beautiful women. Hell, I even dated one of them before & I still never felt any kind of feelings toward her."

"It could still happen." I sighed as I slid off the bed to stand. "What if I don't want you to do this movie? Is it more important to you than I am?"

"No, of course not. But is that the kind of marriage we have? Us telling each other what to do?"

I started laughing, sarcastically. "That is funny coming from you. You have told me not to do many things over the years."

"Not because I didn't trust you. It was usually because it involved our kids in some way. When I found out about you & Rafe working together again, did I tell you that you couldn't do it? No, even though I wanted to so badly. I trusted you. You have to trust me, too, Demi."

"I read the script, Nick!" I raised my voice, feeling tears sting the backs of my eyes again.

"Okay & what does that have to do with trusting me?'

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