Chapter 1

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By the time I got to Joe's, I had calmed down a little more & started to regret leaving. It was this knee jerk reaction that I seemed to have now when it came to Demi hurting me in some way. I knew I should go back to see our counselor because I didn't like the way I was feeling. I was wanting to push Demi away instead of talking to her. I didn't know why. But I knew I needed to find out.

Joe was supportive but did tell me I was being stupid & shouldn't have left. Leave it to my brother to tell it like it is. Blanda, on the other hand, laid into me a few hours after I got there, while Joe & I were in his backyard drinking beer. She would have laid into me earlier except she was tending to the kids.

"You're being the biggest baby, right now, Nick." Blanda said as she opened her own beer across from me, sitting next to Joe. The kids were all tucked in bed or in their rooms & now she sat in the lawn chair, glaring at me.

"She lied & had Mercy lie to me. Excuse me, but I'm pissed."

"That's fine. Be pissed but what the fuck are you doing here? You should be home talking it out." Blanda sounded so angry as she spoke, I was a little scared.

"Mercy could have died all because of that pageant. Because Demi was too wrapped up in it to realize Mercy needed her sugar checked or needed a snack. I was pissed about that, on top of the lying, so I needed space." I shrugged, then took a sip of my beer.

"What the fuck ever. You're being dramatic. It could have happened whether she had done the pageant or been at home. So quit trying to make this into some child endangerment thing. You know damn well that Demi would die for her kids, so don't even try to say any different." She rolled her eyes & Joe chuckled. He was enjoying this too much. "Listen. That bag you brought was huge. It's a fucking suitcase, Nick. You needed to scare her & make a point. You're like demi fifteen years ago." She chuckled, shaking her head.

"What does that mean?" I had to laugh.

"You & demi have switched places. You run away now & she wants to fight for you." Blanda was flailing her arms as she leaned forward yelling at me.

"She's not fighting. She's at home. She let me leave." I yelled back.

Blanda sat back in her chair, smirking at me. "She was upset & she hasn't seen you that mad in a long time." She took a swig of her beer. "She's probably planning something now. And she probably figured she should let you cool off. For your information, we both have our theories as to why you're pushing her away now. I mean I saw this coming when you two were dating the first time. You have put walls up around your heart, then let them fall, but every once in a while those walls creep back up. Demi agrees with me."

"Did you talk to her or something?'

Blanda rolled her eyes & clicked her tongue like I was an idiot. "Of course I talked to her. And you two have been through way too much shit for you to forget what you mean to each other. Remember your vows, Nick. Remember thinking she was dead. Remember when your children were born & all the years you have spent loving her. And most importantly, remember you said forever." Blanda leaned back looking proud of herself like she was the smartest person on the planet now.

I sighed, leaning my head back & staring up at the stars. "I'll go home in the morning & talk to her."

"Or you can talk to her now." Blanda said, smirking.

I lifted my head to give her a dirty look & saw Demi over her shoulder, walking toward us. I swallowed, taking in the expression on Demi's face. She was irritated with me & I really couldn't blame her. I was kind of irritated with myself.

Remember Forever (Book 9 in Nemi Forever Series)Where stories live. Discover now