Chapter 13

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Dad came home from the hospital & I noticed he didn't have his guitar. I didn't have to ask if Mom woke up, I could tell by his face that she hadn't. He also looked really sad & tired. When he saw me as he walked into the kitchen, he tried to give me a smile, but he wasn't fooling me. I knew the smile wasn't genuine. I knew it wasn't a happy one. It was forced. Fake.

"You had rehearsals tonight at church, didn't ya?" He asked as he took off his coat.


"How'd that go?" Dad asked, then sighed. His gaze fell on Mom's favorite leather jacket that hung on the rack he was about to hang his coat on. I watched Dad hang his coat on the hook beside Mom's jacket, then I felt bad for him when I saw him run his fingers, down her jacket, slowly. He looked like he was lost in a moment or a memory as his lips twitched. He almost was smiling. I guessed he was picturing Mom wearing the jacket. He was probably remembering last month when Mom put the jacket on as we were leaving to go to Glammy's for Thanksgiving. Her hair got stuck in one of the zippers & she asked Dad to help her & she got so mad at him when he took out his phone to take a picture of her, instead of helping her. She did look funny because one arm was in the jacket & the other was behind her, almost in the sleeve & she couldn't move her head because her hair was being pulled. She screamed at Dad as he stood there laughing at her, taking a video with his phone. He told her she was so cute when she was mad & she rolled her eyes & threatened to get really really cute, so cute that he'd be hurting later. I had no idea what she meant by that, but Dad obviously knew because he put his phone away & helped her get her hair unstuck. I remember watching them, smiling, as Daddy kissed her after he helped her put her jacket on. The smile she gave him after his kiss made his smile even bigger. You really couldn't help but to smile when you were around them. Their love was contagious.

"It went really good." I said to Dad, a little loud, so he'd come out of his thoughts. He looked at me, then ruffled my hair as he walked past me.

"That's good to hear. I can't wait to watch you guys in this program. What songs are you guys singing?" Dad asked, checking out the pots on the stove.

"The usual Christmas songs." I answered.

"Well, I can't wait." Dad smiled at me, this time looking like it was a real smile.

"Dad? What if Mom isn't awake? What if she can't be at the program?"

"Then I will take you & Mercy to the hospital so you can sing the songs to her."

"You sang to Mom today, right?" I asked, following Dad as he went to the other side of the kitchen. He was getting plates out since dinner was almost ready. "I saw you were taking your guitar this morning."

"Yea. I sang to her, Buddy."

"But it didn't work." I replied in a sad tone.

"Well, she didn't wake up, but I know she heard me." Dad looked down at me, his mouth turned up in a smile. "Her heart rate increased when I sang, so the nurse said that means she heard me." Dad looked hopeful & that made me hopeful. "I'll just sing louder tomorrow." Dad winked at me & I gave him a smile. I helped him get dinner on the table & while we ate, Dad told Glammy what he told me. Mercy seemed excited by this news.

"She heard you, Daddy, so I bet she started running." Mercy grinned, proudly.

Dad watched Mercy with a soft smile on his face. "You're probably right, sweetie."

"It could take her a while, though. She's probably close to Heaven since she was probably with Delaney & Heaven is far away." Mercy said it like she knew everything. Scary thing is, sometimes I think my sister does know everything.

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