Chapter 28

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If you ever have a choice of when to start your period, I recommend never doing it when your mom is out of town & your father is the only adult around. I love my daddy, but he was not good with stuff like this. He stammered as he explained why there was blood on my bed sheet & I swear it took him fifteen minutes to get it out, he was stuttering so bad.

I put on my robe when I got out of the tub & went to find Daddy. I found him in the kitchen with Aunt Maddie & Uncle Frankie & he was begging Aunt Maddie when I walked in.

"Please help me, Maddie. I won't tell Demi you helped me."

"She already warned me after she hung up with you today. I did bring the pads so you didn't have to be mortified & go buy them yourself." Aunt Maddie was smirking at Daddy & he looked frustrated.

I cleared my throat & they all turned to look at me. "Hey, Mercy. How ya feeling?" Aunt Maddie asked.

"My stomach still hurts." I said as I put my hand over my belly button.

Aunt Maddie walked to a cupboard & pulled out a pill bottle. She poured one into her hand then handed it to me. "Take this, it will make you feel better." She turned to Daddy. "Now, your dad is going to go upstairs with you & explain about these." She picked up a package of something & shoved them into Daddy's stomach.

I saw the package & realized it was pads. I remember finding some in one of our bathrooms after Mommy had Avery & she explained what they were, but she didn't go into detail. She just said it was a maxi pad & I would use them one day when I started menstruating. Now, I knew menstruating was getting your period. The thought of Daddy explaining to me what to do with them kinda gave me anxiety. "Aunt Maddie? Can you please show me what to do with them? No offense, Daddy, but I'm afraid if you help me, our relationship will never be the same." I smiled at Daddy, who looked relieved.

"Fine. Come with me." Aunt Maddie said as she shook her head at Daddy. I followed Maddie up to my room & she told me to get a pair of underwear & that I should get a pair that I didn't care if they got blood on them. Apparently, leaking off the pad or from a tampon was common. I'm sure Daddy wouldn't have thought to tell me that.

I got my underwear then Aunt Maddie took me in the bathroom & showed me how to put the pad on my underwear. After that, she showed me what to do with the old one when I was finished. I was so grateful for her because I could not even imagine Daddy doing this. Oh my God, he'd probably pass out. I knew our relationship would forever be altered, too. "Thank you, so much, Aunt Maddie. You have no idea how grateful I am that you are here instead of my dad."

"You're welcome. But, honestly, I would have loved to see your dad do this." She nodded toward the counter where my underwear was, a pad stuck to it. She started laughing. "Okay, anyway, you get dressed, then go see your dad so he can explain all of this further or answer your questions. I am done. My part is over. Your mom told me not to help at all, so I've done too much."

I frowned & sighed. "Fine. I'm sure Daddy will do okay." I snickered, as Aunt Maddie left the room.

When I was dressed, I went downstairs & Daddy was in the kitchen checking his blood sugar. "Did you get everything situated?" He asked, glancing up, briefly.

I nodded as I sat on the stool at the counter across from where he stood. "I guess you have to answer my questions." I leaned in my folded hands & batted my lashes at Daddy.

He sighed & put his stuff away. He leaned his hands, on the counter, to face me. "Okay, I will do my best." He held his breath a moment before he let it out, forcefully.

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