Chapter 30 (Final Chapter)

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I was pretty excited for summer this year. Our last day of school was June 7, which was Avery's 4th birthday. Then, less than a week later, we were all heading to Florida to go to Disney World for a family vacation, but also to celebrate Avery, Riley & Harper's birthdays. We had family coming to spend time with us while we were there for a week, too. Uncle Joe & his family, Uncle Kevin & his family & Aunt Maddie, Uncle Frankie & Sawyer were all coming with us for the whole time, so I was excited to spend time with all of them. Our grandparents were all coming to visit us on the last weekend we were there. Aunt Dallas wasn't going to make it because she was pregnant, again & wasn't able to travel. She was due in July & was having a boy. This baby was an accident, I heard her say. Mommy explained to me later, that it just meant she didn't plan him but she was happy she was having him. But even though my aunt & uncle weren't coming on our family vacation, my cousin, Ainsley, was coming with us. Her & I were pretty close, since we were only two years apart in age.

After we got home from Florida, my grandparents were staying at our house with us kids & mom & dad were going on their second honeymoon. They were going to London for a performance & then they were going somewhere romantic. They were going to be gone two weeks, so it would be weird not having them here, but my grandparents were all fun, so I bet the two weeks was going to go fast. Since there were so many of us, all four of our grandparents were going to be here with us. They had fun stuff planned for us, as well, which I wasn't surprised about at all. They were the best grandparents ever.

Our family could definitely use a vacation, that was for sure. Mommy & Daddy were stressed because of the news they got about Reid. Mommy was relieved he wasn't bipolar, but she was still upset that he had anything wrong with him. After lots of tests, it was determined that Reid had a learning disability called Dyslexia. He'd have to have a tutor for a while to help him with it, but it was something he could, at least, manage. He also had a mild form of ADHD & all I knew about that was he was impulsive & hyper. Mommy & Daddy were waiting on medicating him to see if he really needed it to help with his Dyslexia. They explained it to us kids, just so we knew & wouldn't let people make fun of him or tease him. If anyone picked on my little brother, though, they had to answer to Jerry & since he was such a big shot at school, kids were afraid of him. No one dared pick on any of us, to be honest.

Jerry & I were walking home on our last day of school & Jax was walking with us. Him & I were still just friends, but you never know what will happen in the future. Jerry didn't like that we hung out together, but I told him it was payback for all the times that I'd invite Karleigh over & she'd play ball, with him, in the backyard.

"Karleigh is coming over for Avery's birthday tonight. We're having cake & they're opening presents. Are you staying for cake, Jax?" I asked Jax as we walked.

Jerry sighed & I ignored him. Jax didn't seem to notice or he ignored Jerry, too. "Jerry asked me to come hang out, so I guess if it's okay with your mom & dad I will." Jax smiled at me & I felt my face get warm. He had the best smile. He would definitely not need braces. His teeth were perfect.

"Good. I bet my mom will say it's okay that you stay. She likes you & Avery loves you." I smiled at him, hoping my face wasn't as red as I thought it was.

We got closer to our house & I saw Karleigh walking across the street. I waved at her as she smiled at us. She had got picked up that day by her grandmother because she had an appointment. I guess she was going to have to get braces at some point. "Hi, guys! How was school? Did anything exciting happen?" She asked, as she got closer.

Jerry got all goofy as she started walking with us up our driveway. The older we got the more weird Jerry got around any girls, but especially Karleigh. "Nothing exciting ever happens. You didn't miss anything, Karls." Jerry leaned into her shoulder as they walked side by side. I glanced over at Jax, who had his eyebrows up. We both knew they liked each other, but they were both afraid to say it. "The four of us should go on the trampoline when we get to the house." Jerry suggested & we all agreed with him. We had just got a trampoline from our great grandmother that was for all of us to use. We had only used it once since our uncles & Daddy set it up.

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