Chapter 14

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Demi waking up felt like a miracle, but then when she told me Olivia was there in her unconscious state, encouraging her to come back to me, it felt more like divine intervention. That had me feeling uneasy, admittedly. I knew Demi saw the fear in my eyes as Matthew came into her hospital room. I knew she wasn't going to let it go, either, which is why she tried to get Matthew to leave.

"You should go call everyone." Demi said to Matthew when he finally stopped crying & gushing. Matthew left & Demi turned her face to look at me. "Come sit." She ordered, pointing to the bed beside her. I sucked in my bottom lip, then walked toward the bed & sat down. "You should just tell me what has you so freaked out because I'm not gonna let it go." She gave me a smirk, letting me know how serious she was.

I took a deep breath, then took her hand in mine. My gaze fell to our hands & I took another deep breath before I lifted my gaze to look into her eyes. "A few nights ago, I had a dream. I saw you holding Delaney, but you couldn't hear me. Then Olivia came & she said, 'make her hear you.' That was it. That was all she said, but after hearing what you were seeing while you were unconscious, I think Olivia actually came to me through divine intervention."

Demi's forehead wrinkled a little. "Okay. That's crazy, but you know I believe in all that. So why are you so freaked out by it? You've always believed in that stuff, too & have experienced things like that through the years."

"I know. I have, too. I have prayed to God so many times & a few times I've gotten signs from him that he was listening. Like when I prayed to him to never take you from me & let us grow old together & the light in the bedroom flickered, but it wasn't even on. That kind of thing." I sighed, glancing away for a moment, trying to figure out how I wanted to word this fear without making her fearful herself. "God sent me that sign but it could have just been a sign that he was listening, not exactly that he was going to answer my prayer. So Olivia coming to me in that dream makes me realize that you were really close to not coming back to me, Demi." My eyes met hers as the creases in her forehead got more severe. "If Olivia hadn't told me to make you hear me, Demi, I probably wouldn't have sang to you.... "

"I heard you singing." Demi whispered, tears in her eyes.

"Do you remember what you did when you heard me singing?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"I started running toward your voice."

I sighed & hung my head. "That scares me. It's like you were giving up on life because you wanted to stay with Delaney. If something ever happened to you again, I'm afraid you wouldn't fight." I lifted my head to look at her.

Demi wiped at her eyes & let out a chuckle. "I'll always fight. I just wanted time with Delaney, that's all. I wouldn't have stayed. I would have come back, I swear. But Nick, she was so perfect that I just didn't want to let her go. I had that time with her & it felt so real, that it was enough for me. I know Delaney wanted me to go back to my life. Our life. You & her siblings." Demi smiled at me & I gave her a smile in return.

"Promise me something." I said, cupping our linked hands with my other hand. "Promise me you won't leave me. Promise me we'll leave this world together."

Her laugh echoed in the hospital room, making me smile. "If I could promise you that I would, but God has the last word in all of that."

I rolled my eyes. "Just promise me. Even if it isn't exactly up to you, please just say you promise. At least then I will know you promised & that means if it's up to you a little bit, you won't go back on your promise. So please..."

Demi grinned at me. "I promise."

"Thank you." I stood up & kissed her, then a moment later, Matthew came bursting in the room, announcing that everyone was on their way.

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