Chapter 21

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As I was lying in the hospital bed, I was grateful when the nurse gave me an iPad to keep me entertained while she bandaged up my wounds. My sprained ankle was already wrapped & my wrist was broken & was in a splint. They moved along very quickly at this hospital, which was nice. I'd have to come back in a week to get a cast put on my wrist, so it was going to be interesting trying to not re injure it while taking care of my six kids. Now the nurse was tending to my scrapes that were along my legs & arm. "Do you know if someone called my husband yet?" I asked the nurse.

"I'm not sure. But you can call him yourself in a little bit. You're almost done here. As soon as the doctor checks your scans to make sure your head wasn't injured again when you hit the ground, you should be free to go."

I sighed. "I told the doctor that my head didn't hit the ground."

The nurse grinned at me & shook her head. "He likes to make sure before he rules stuff out completely. He's a great doctor."

I was looking through a news feed on the browser when I saw my name. "Demi Lovato rushed to hospital after her alleged lover roughs her up." I didn't realize I read it out loud until the nurse looked up at me, her eyes wide.

"Isn't that you?" She asked as she stood up. "You're all set, by the way." She pat my leg, gently after she had finished tending to my wounds.

I laid my head back & let out a groan. "My husband is gonna freak if he believes this headline."

"Well, I wouldn't blame him. Is that guy really your lover?" She asked as she leaned on the counter, crossing her arms.

I clicked my tongue. "No. But years ago my husband walked in on me & him kissing so my husband will kill him if he thinks there is any truth to this." I tossed the iPad on the bed in between my legs.

"I read the article & the witness had a lot of interesting things to say." She clicked her tongue.

I sighed, letting out a growl with it. "She clearly was high because he didn't hurt me." I said to the nurse & she relaxed her stance to let me know she wanted to hear what happened. I sighed again, this time louder. "Rafe actually saved my life." I said.

I heard a door close & looked to see Nick standing just inside the room. He looked relieved but also pissed, like he just had words with someone. "So you're okay?" He asked in a breath as he walked toward me. I nodded as he leaned to kiss my forehead, then his gaze scanned my body, checking out my injuries. "What the hell happened, Demi? I almost killed Rafe because I'm thinking the absolute worst. Did he hurt you? Did he try to force himself on you? I swear to God if he did, he's a dead man."

I shook my head, violently. "No. He didn't hurt me. I saw what the sites are saying & they have it all wrong." I took a deep breath & reached for his hand. "Pull up that stool & I'll tell you everything that happened." I looked over at the nurse. "You're more than welcome to stay & hear." I smiled at her & she shrugged her shoulders as she smiled, then pulled up a stool on the other side of the bed. I looked over at Nick who was still standing, holding my hand. I gave him a look & he sighed before pulling up a stool to sit on it.

"Okay... so there were paparazzi all over the lobby of the hotel when Rafe & I came out of the restaurant & they were ready to swarm us. I'm pretty sure a hotel employee tipped them off."

"Or Rafe did so he had an excuse to get you up to his room." Nick scowled.

I rolled my eyes & sighed. "He had no reason to want me to come up to his room, Nick." I said & I shook my head when Nick rolled his eyes. "Nick. His wife was up in his room. Why would he try anything with his wife there?" I asked, not expecting an answer, but I smiled when Nick looked confused. "All the way up to his floor, I heard your voice telling me that he was going to try to find a way to get me up there, but we had a nice conversation & hashed out a lot of things. He really is a changed man, I'm sure of it. He was gushing about his wife & she's pregnant & he's so excited. I just don't think he is the same man I knew years ago. So I went into his room because I was trusting my gut. As he was shutting his door, he said, 'you can meet my wife.' Then when I got inside the room further I saw no sign of his wife. When I turned around he was smiling & taking his jacket off & I could see your face in my head & hear your voice & of course I freaked out & thought he was lying. I started yelling at him & calling him a liar & I ran out of his room. I went down the back stairs & he came after me, yelling at me & telling me to come back to his room so he could call security. I ran down to a hallway that led to the parking deck & when I came out of the stairwell, I ran into a woman who was walking with a drink & it went all over my head, which is why I looked like I'd been crying. I went to go to the deck & my dress got stuck on chair or something as I was walking by it & it ripped. When I got to the deck, I went to call you on my phone & Rafe came out & told me that his wife was really there & I still thought he was lying. I dropped my phone & I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings & went to get it. I didn't see that some guy on his cell phone was driving his car & not paying attention. Rafe grabbed me just before the car would have hit me & we both fell to the ground." I took a breath as I waited for Nick to realize what I was telling him. His face was a mixture of gratitude & sorrow. "He saved my life, Nick. That car that would have hit me, would have pinned me between it & a cement wall & the guy wasn't even slowing down so his car was smashed in pretty bad. I would have been crushed I know it. My phone didn't survive, though. I sprained my ankle & broke my wrist & I got a bunch of scrapes & cuts, but I am alive & it is because of Rafe." I stuck out my lower lip. "While I waited for ambulance, I met his wife & then I realized that I freaked out for no reason other than your words wouldn't get the fuck out of my head." I rolled my eyes & sighed.

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