Chapter 25

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Blanda made me think, that was for sure. Her words struck nerves all over my body & I could almost feel my heart waking up. I watched her as she left our kitchen & wanted to smile when she mouthed, "Don't let him go." As soon as I looked back at Nick, I was reminded of why she was right.

I watched Nick as he watched me & my heart fluttered in my chest. I knew Blanda was right about everything. I was lucky to call him my husband. I was holding onto this anger, because I didn't want to face the truth & now I needed to just let it go & open up to Nick. The way he was looking at me, broke my heart a little. He was scared of losing me. He loved me so much, I could see it in his eyes. I could see the pain I caused him, not just in the last week, but since the day I met him. So much pain, yet, he still continued to love me & be my biggest supporter. He cherished my success as much as I did & he suffered from my failures, maybe even more than I did. I would never find someone who could even compete with that kind of intimacy & love. No one could ever come close. I knew this & that's why I knew I had to hold onto him with a death grip & not let go.

"I made some iced tea, earlier, you want a glass?" I asked Nick as I walked to the fridge. He looked confused, so I smiled at him. It felt good to smile at him again & the way his face lit up, I knew he liked it, too.


I poured me & Nick glasses of iced tea & as I did, I felt him staring at me. I pushed the glass toward him & sighed. "It's such a beautiful night. What do you say we go sit by the pool & talk?" I watched him over the rim of my glass as I sipped at my tea. I almost spit my drink out because of his expression. He was so adorable when he was confused or unsure of what was going to happen.

"Uh...yea. That sounds good." Nick spoke, slowly as he stood up. I headed out to our backyard, flipping on the twinkle lights before I sat down at the table that was on the patio beside the pool. Nick sat next to me & leaned on the table, watching his glass, intensely. "Demi, if you are trying to tell me you want to end our marriage, that you can't get past what I did, just say it, please. The suspense is killing me."

I put my hand on his forearm. "That isn't what I'm trying to tell you. I just want to tell you everything that I'm feeling or have been feeling & I want this to be a conversation that will help us repair our relationship."

Nick stared into my eyes & I saw him swallow. "So you don't want our marriage to be over?" He held his breath.

I shook my head, slightly & Nick let his breath out as he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry I even said that to you. I was so hurt & angry that I wasn't thinking of anyone but myself. I was trying to hurt you. I was trying to get you to take me home & not leave me there to face my demons." I sat back in my chair, keeping my eyes focused on Nick. "I hope you can forgive me for how I've treated you, Nick." I was fighting tears since I didn't want to start crying this soon into my conversation with him.

"Demi, you're my wife. I said forever & that means forgiving you forever as well as loving you forever."

I smiled up at him. "Forever." I muttered to myself then took a drink of tea. "I saw your sign." I said as I sat my glass back down.

"You did? Why did you say you didn't?"

"I wasn't ready to tell you how it made me feel." I shrugged. Nick's eyebrows came together as he sighed, quietly, waiting for me to explain. "I hadn't cried at the hospital, like at all, until I saw that sign. It melted my cold heart, I guess you could say." I chuckled & Nick smiled. "I bawled for hours. Those words, from you, meant the world to me & they made me remember how amazing my life was. That's when I decided to stop being so stubborn with the staff & let them help me. I was still angry at you, but I've come to realize that I wasn't really mad at you. It was just my way of defending myself & not facing the truth."

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