3. first day

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Beomgyu sat up in his bed . Rubbing his eyes then picking up his specs which was placed near his pillow .
"Beom-bam " his grandma shouted . Beomgyu joined his hands to pray then 5 seconds later he fell in his bed again . "Coming " he shouted as a response .

It was sunny day . It was a good day . But for beomgyu it was a better than his birthday and worst then his dad's anniversary . it was the college day . The day he has been waiting for . For he was going to the school of his dreams , to follow his passion . To follow his dream .

"Good morning " a voice greeted . Somehow the voice made beomgyu uneasy . Now i know my day isn't going good . "Uhh ..arin what are you doing here " he said without responding to the ever so cheerfull good morning .
" uh . I came here to pick you up so we three can go to college together " arin spoke up after some seconds . Silence .

"Beom- bam . You don't want to starve . Do you . Eat the food , hurry before it gets cold ." Beomgyu's nanny broke the silence . Soobin came in from the front door and smiled at nanny and went and sit next to beomgyu .

"You nervous ?" He asked beomgyu .
"Uhh-no . I mean yes . No i am fine " beomgyu answered with his shuttery voice . "Well that gives the answer " soobin started eating the food . Three of them ate in silence .

I hope the day goes well. I am so nervous . I will be able to do what i want . Follow my passion . Like i always wanted .

Baby beomgyu was wacthing the tv all mesmarised by a singer's voice . Yewon and soobin were playing blocks . "When you get old what would you be ?" Yewon suddenly raised the question . "I want to be a supalman " soobin said innocently yet proudly . "I will be a singer." Beomgyu responded . Since then it was what he wanted to do .

. " you are a idol and i am your wife " yewon said cheerfully to beomgyu . They were playing mother , father and a child." And i am the villian . I will kidnap arin and beomgyu will be all alone " . The trio laughed loudly .

The bus came and soobin , yewon and beomgyu went in it . Soobin and yewon shared one seat and beomgyu sat in the seat next to them . Yewon and soobin shared a earphone while holding hands beomgyu looked at them and smiled . Here they go again . Suddenly a bump and beomgyu fell off his seat .

"Clumsy as ever " soobin commented.
Beomgyu stood up and controled himself from laughing and stood up . Soobin was laughing , yewon looked at beomgyu with sympathy .
" better then you though " beomgyu retorted after standing up .
" oh , in what . May i ask "
Beomgyu thought for 2 seconds and sat at his seats again .

The bus went on . The blue bus .

They were at the school now yewon went to her class giving soobin a kiss on the cheek . They were at the lawn wacthing yewon dissappear " did you both get in a fight ? " soobin asks curiously . " no . " beomgyu answered without hestitation .
" both of you seem quite quiet " . Beomgyu started walking but before he could complete his first step he fell down .

" how the hell do you do that " soobin asked shocked at the younger's stupidity .
" can you for once just help me rather than complaining "
" complaining ? I am not complaining. Its a genuine question " soobin started complaining without bothering to pick beomgyu up . " well then i don't know the answer " beomgyu stood up by himself and started walking without waiting for soobin .

There was a twist in the lane before they could reach thier classes . Beomgyu keep walking and soobin followed soobin started following him trough the  twist when a body bumped with him . A hard body .

" beomgyu you idiot " soobin said with a voice full of anger . " am so sorry . I wasn't paying attention, actually i left my card in the vasin so i wanted to be thier before someone else take it i am sorry " . A voice came only the voice wasn't boemgyu's soobin looked up and saw a brunette boy with unusual good looks . The brunette boy offered his hand to soobin , soobin took the boy's hand and stood up . The boy left as soon as soobin was up , soobin stared at the boy leaving hurriedly untill the boy was out of sight .

Soobin then went to his class the teacher was already there soobin walked inside the class without bothering . There were so many seats in the class . So many that you can count them if you are bored but not many students to cover up all the seats.

" here oppa" beomgyu waved to soobin smiling . Soobin went up to him . But as he was like 10 steps away from the seat a person shoulder pushed him , went past him and sat on the seat near beomgyu .

Dark hair but not too dark . Eyes hid under his hair and beneath the hair was specs as if for double protection .  A blue jacket with a white shirt . Beomgyu stared at the guy . The guy just sat without much apologetic attention to the man he just pushed .

Wow first the train now this guy . I bet this year is gonna be unlucky for me .

" so , how was the class " soobin asked yewon . Both soobin and beomgyu were waiting there for her . " uhh . Fine " yewon answered and three of them walked the lane . A boy come in  thier way making them stop .
" have you seen a card ? " he asked in a hurry .
" what card ? " beomgyu asked . Soobin stared at the guy and then he remebered it was the guy with whom he bumped .
" my card it has my name and my photo on it if you find it please inform me " the guy said almost tearing up and went past them .
" wait . Whats your name " soobin shouted at the running boy .
" kai kamal huening " he screamed back .
" die - what ? " soobin murmured .
" kai kamal huening " both yewon and beomgyu said together

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