Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

I set my guitar down in it's stand and let out a sigh going back over to the couch, my mom is out tutoring today, Juliet still isn't home and the guys are all either sleeping or busy so I'm extremely bored. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I closed it slowely to try to see when the light went off, something I always did when I was little. I closed it and wondered around my kitchen for a while until I grabbed a bag of Smarties off the counter and went back upstairs to my room. I turned on the tv and sat criss cross on my bed.

I heard the front door open and close and a smile appeared on my face. "Luke?" I heard Juliet call from downstairs.

"Up here hun!" I yelled and I heard her light footsteps come upstairs.

"Hey," She said coming in.

"Hey, I like your hair."

"Thanks," She said sweetly. I watched as she went and set her stuff down at the foot of the bed. She grabbed some clothes considering she slept in the ones she is wearing now. "So, what do you want to do today? Today I am all yours." She said turning around to change into a clean shirt, even know I've already seen basically every part of her she still does this.

"Mine, huh?"

"Don't push it." She said turning back around and tossing herself next to me. She grabbed some of my candy and then stretched out her legs.

"For starters why don't we eat the ice cream I got you last night, and then we can watch a movie or something? Maybe later we can go to the park?"

"Okay, let's go get the ice cream, and I'll make some popcorn." She said getting up leaving me to follow. While she was waiting on the popcorn in the mircowave I went up behind her and rested my head on her shoulder, wrapping my arms tightly aroung her waist. She put her hands on top of mine after moving her hair to one side exposing the marks I left on her from yesterday. I lightly ran my lips over them and made my way to right beneath her ear. The microwave started beeping and she pulled away from me, I sighed. There's too many cockblocks in this house. I grabbed the ice cream off the counter and Juliet took the popcorn and we went back upstairs. As soon as I closed the door and turned around Juliet pushed me against the door with a low thud. She smirked at me before standing on her tippy toes to kiss me. I searched with my hands for somewhere to put this ice cream but Juliet grabbed it from my hand and tossed it onto my bed, thank god it didn't open.

Her hand were pressed against my chest keeping me from moving away. I let my hand go down her sides until I got to the button on her pants which I swiftly undid and pulled the little zipper down.

"Sorry for making you wait so long," She mumbled in between kisses, I let out a little raspy groan in response. She took both of my hands in hers and took me towards the bed, before we fell she turned us around so she ended up straddling me. She moved her hips with some pressure against mine making me go crazy. She moved her lips to my neck and made sure to leave a few marks of her own. My hand moved her shirt up exposing her lower back and stomach, she got frusturated and parted from me to take her shirt and throw it to the ground.

"Luke, I think I heard the front door." She said quickly but still kissing my neck.

Out of lust and pleasure I didn't respond I just moved her up to kiss her with my lips. That's when the door opened again.

"Jesus Christ guys!"

Juliet yelped and rolled off of me onto the floor looking for something to cover herself with.

"Michael, what do you want?" I groaned and propped myself up onto my elbows.

"Well, neither of you know how to answer a phone, I know why now but me, Ash, Rosie and Abby are going to go rollar skating and to the arcade and we just wanted to know if you guys wanted to come with." Michael shrugged.

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