Chapter 47

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I lifted my head after hearing noises around me, I first wiped the dried drool off of my chin, then looked at where I ended up sleeping, the kitchen stool, cool. I looked around and my mom was making herself cereal.

"What time is it?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"About noon, maybe a little later," she shrugged.

"Shit! I have to go to the air-" I was cut off by two people entering the room. I smiled the biggest one I could possibly manage and ran over to my best friends. I engulfed them both in a hug and they laughed. "You were finally sleeping so I sent a car for them." My mom said taking her bowl and get to ready to go upstairs.

"Thank you," I hugged her too.

"It's fine," she kissed my head then turned to leave me with them.

"Oh my god, I've missed you guys so much," I wanted to cry, of happiness at least but I'm pretty drained of tears so instead I just kept squealing.

"I've missed you too Juju," Danny scruffed up my hair, he hasn't changed a bit, thank god.

"And I've missed our girls nights." Rosie said.

"Can I be in on girls nights?" Danny asked after a while.

Rosie and I looked at each other, "Only this one time," she said. "Nothing said leaves tonight though, got it?"

Danny put his hands up defensilivy, "Got it."

Finally, I have my friends back.

"Now, I brought my new swimsuit where's the pool you told me about?"


I was sitting on the edge of the pool watching Danny and Rosie do relay races across the length of it. I didn't want to swim, honestly? I didn't like how I looked underneath my clothes the past few days. I'm getting skinnier, and it's pretty noticeable. My ribs are showing more, my hip bones and collar bones are becoming more prominent, I just felt uncomfortable with myself.

My mom brought out some fruit for us but even that I laid off of, whenever Luke was out I didn't feel on ease, I will always worry about him, especially when the conditions involve alcohol and whatever else he's doing.


Luke's POV

I injected the sharp, silver needle into the crease of my arm. It stung at first, and I stopped to squint my eyes shut. Once I opened them again, I moved the needle into the vein, I pressed the lever down with my thumb and exhaled as I did. Once all the yellow liquid was gone in the tube, I slowly pulled it out and almost instantly began to feel somewhat better about myself.

I just want to be happy...

Then just go home to Juliet.

I was fighting with myself.

But it's your fault you are.

I left the bathroom, tossed away any garbage and stumbled back into the bar, and managed to order some drinks.


"Why didn't you ever call and tell me any of this?" Danny said tilting his head to the side after I finished telling them the latest drama going on.

"What did you want me to say? That I was a wreck? I didn't want you guys to worry about me, I still don't want you to worry I'm fine." I said, but saying 'I'm fine' was never true, was it?

"Juliet, let us help you, we're here for a while, and you look tired why don't you sleep." Danny put his hand on my shoulder, well I am tired.

"I can't though, I should be awake when he gets home, to make sure he's okay."

"We'll stay awake okay? We'll make sure he's alright." Rosie gave me a sympathetic smile.

"No, no he needs me right now, I need to be there and ready for when he gets back," I stood up off of my bed, "You guys go sleep, you're probably jetlagged."

"Juliet pl-" Rosie started but I didn't want to fight right now.

"Please guys? Just, I'm fine, I'll be okay." I reassured them.

"Okay," they both took the food off my bed and left my room.

About two hours later, speak of the devil himself. This time Luke was piss drunk, most likely a little high off god knows what, and very out of it. He came into my room, "Juliet!" He sang, "It's your Romeo!"

Any other day, I would've laughed and thought it was cute but I didn't, I just stared at him. This isn't Luke either.

"Luke, quiet down okay? Everyone's asleep." I said grabbing his arm.

"Are you mad at me?" He pouted like he was four years old.

"..No," and I told the truth, I wasn't and I could never be mad at him.

"I'm sorry I've been a dick..." he mumbled. "It hurts too much baby, everything hurts. My head, my mind, my body, my heart, everything. My mom is a mess and so is Ben, Jacks fiance hasn't come out of her room for days...nothing is right anymore." He began to cry. Then he got up and ran to the bathroom, I knew what followed after this. I followed him as always, he was hunched over the toilet, I stood beside him and rubbed his back.

"I'm so fucking sorry," he said before puking again.

"I know Luke, I know," and I actually did, I had a lump in my throat, but I held my emotions back for Luke. He may think that I'm better of without him, but without him I'd be dead by now. Luke saved me now it's my turn to save him because that's what you do with the one's you love, you save them. "I wish I could take the pain away," I said, looking up at the light and blinking to keep from breaking down. "But I can't, all I can do is make it a little bearable but Luke," I crouched beside him once he seemed to have stop. "Luke, if you want me to help you, you have to let me in. Stop trying to make me hate you, you're just hurting yourself by doing that because I will only ever love you." He leaned against the wall and put his head back.

"But you deserve better."

"No, Luke, nothing can get as good as you are, you're perfect and I want you to know that." I put my hand on his knee.

"I'm not perfect, you are. I'm such a mess, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I just want to forget Juliet, please just let me forget," he began to sob again into his hands. I scooted over to him and wrapped him in my arms.

"Luke, you shouldn't want to forget your brother." I sighed.

"But it hurts, it hurts so fucking bad."

"Then I'll help you get through your hurt okay? Please just let me in again," I kissed his head.

"Don't leave me," Luke cried into me.

"I won't leave Luke, I will never leave."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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