Claire Bear

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"It's Claire." I groan and he chuckles. "What does Claire Bear want?" He asks using the nickname we made for her.

"I don't know. Should I let it go to voicemail?" I ask with a childish smile hoping he will say to ignore the call. The last person I want to talk to right is Claire after just dealing with Hoskins.

"Pick it up Har. You always send her calls to voicemail and then she calls me and I don't want to talk to miss Claire bear. We have a drill to run, hurry upppppp" He states and I laugh then look down at the phone and press my thumb into the green button to accept the call.

"Claire." I state coldly. I can hear her sigh on the other end of the phone and I smirk to myself knowing I have already managed to annoy her.

"Harlow. I need you at the innovation center in 15 minutes, it's important. See you then, no excuses." She says in her serious voice then she hangs up on me. I open my mouth to respond but am met with the silence from her ending her line of the call. I groan again and look to Owen who has his eyebrows raised.

"I am needed at the innovation center. Call the drill off." I say slowly and Owen's face visibly drops.

"What? What the hell does she need? We are busy here!" He yells and I shrug as I pull my keys from my pocket and unlock my jeep.

"I gotta go O. I will see you later." I say and he rolls his eyes at the situation and nods at me. Waving to me as I drive off to the main park.

In the innovation center the sound of laughter and loud chatting fills the air. Children wandering around with bright eyes and smiles. I could almost grin at all the happy kids but I am currently too annoyed with Claire to let a smile cross my lips. When I see the redhead in the distance in a summer dress, I let out an irritated huff from my nose and pick up my pace as I half jog half walk to her. Her back is to me and it takes everything in me to not shout across the way. I see from the corners of my eyes two boys, one close to my age and the other a little younger, and then Zara. The last person I want to see right now on top of everything else I have to deal with at the current moment would be Zara. Both the boys look over to me when I am standing right behind Claire but I am too focused on yelling at Claire when she turns around to face me to notice them.

"Claire what the hell?!?" I raise my voice at her when she is finally facing me. I ignore the other three around her and only look Claire in the eyes, anger clearly visible in my body language. My arms are crossed over my chest and my lips are pressed into a thin line. Her face fills with surprise for a slight second until she realizes it's just me, her annoying employee that gives her shit all the time and curses an awful lot.

"Okay-" Claire begins before I decide to run my mouth again.

"I was with Echo and Charlie! Owen had to call off the drill. What could be so important?" I almost shout using my arms to emphasize my point that I don't want to be here. She takes a step towards me and squints at me. I return the gesture with a glare and I hear Zara snort from behind Claire.

"I'm sure Owen is just fine." She states rolling her eyes at me.

"Oh ya sure. Right before I left a kid fell in Claire. Fell in! If I wasn't there and half the team was missing that could have been a disaster." I scoff.

"What?!" Claire states with a look of horror on her face and I instantly regret informing her of the incident. I don't need her reporting anything, the kid is fine. Practically untouched. The two boys beside me both look with confusion at my words.

"I mean...well he is fine. Claire dont you report this. I should have kept my mouth shut. Damn it Claire, you make me ramble! This is all your fault. Don't tell Owen I told you." I say quickly and after a moment of silence she sighs and closes her eyes before responding.

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