Meet the Parents

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After the Indominus was taken care of we were all moved to the medical tent section of the large room where all the visitors waited. Zach must have carried me considering I was completely knocked out from blood loss. While I was knocked out, Claire had to force Zach to leave my side after what seemed to be an hour of no movement from me.

When I start to regain consciousness, I can feel something sticking in my arm. As I open my eyes I see that I am laying on a makeshift bed and my arm is filled with stitches and then wrapped up. I rip the needle from my arm and try to stand up, getting dizzy almost immediately. I fall back slightly and land on my little bed but when I try to stand again I already feel much more confident in my steps. I squint as I leave the tent unnoticed by the nurses, and the light from outside hits my eyes. I try to find anyone that I know but all I see is traumatized visitors. I walk a little unsteady around the room in complete confusion, I have no idea what happened. I am assuming the Indominus is dead and that all my people are alive because thinking anything different may cause me to lose it.

I hear a familiar laugh from behind me and when I turn around I see Zach standing next to Claire and Gray along with two other adults.. I'm not sure what happens to me but the second I see Zach I sprint towards him.

"Zach!" I yell as I run over to him, when he looks in the direction of my yelling his eyes go wide and I jump into his arms wrapping my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck. I instantly connect my lips to his and he is surprised at first but melts into the kiss only a split second later. I can feel him prop me up by bringing his hands together under my thighs and butt. I smile into the kiss then pull away and put my forehead on his with my eyes still closed.

"You are here. You are okay." I whisper and I can feel Zach nod against me. I move my hands to grab Zach's face and I let out a massive breath of relief. "Is Owen okay?" I ask.

"Yes he is okay. And you are okay. And Gray is okay. And Claire is okay. That's all that matters." Zach whispers to me and I nod to myself then press my lips to his in a quick peck before resting my forehead against his again. I can feel him pull me closer to his chest as I tighten the grip my legs have on his waist. We just sit in silence in each other's grasp as Gray watches the two of us from behind with a knowing smirk on his face. Zach's parents however were watching with wide eyes and both confused and surprised faces.

I hear a deep voice clear their throat making me pull back from Zach and look to where the noise came from. The second I see the two adults I have never met staring at Zach and I I immediately unwrap my legs from Zach and move away from him by a few feet. My eyes go wide with embarrassment as I just stand in silence. Zach grabs my hand and pulls me back over to him as he puts an arm around my waist, I turn sideways in his grap and place a hand flat on his chest. I can see Gray giving us a sweet smile from the corner of my eye but I am currently trying to look anywhere but the two adults who are staring very closely at both Zach and I.

"I have to go." I awkwardly state as I stare at the cement ground and try to pull away from Zach but he just chuckles and tightens his hold on me making me stay put. I quickly put it together that these lovely humans are the Mitchell parents and I am even more embarrassed that I just attacked their son's face with my lips directly in front of them.

"Wait wait wait, what just happened?" Zach's mother asks and looks between Zach and I. I look up at Zach with a pleading face but he just smiles down at me with a childish grin.

"Oh, I- I was just checking for Claire that her nephews were alive. They are alive as you can tell so my job here is done. Oh my goodness I see Owen calling for me, I have to be over there now." I say awkwardly trying to get away as I point in a random direction at an invisible Owen. Claire laughs at me and I just look desperate with a bright red face as Zach holds me in place once again.

"This is Harlow. She was a velociraptor trainer." Claire states and I smile and weakly wave at the two adults.

I go on my tip toes and whisper in Zach's ear. "I didn't mean to kiss you in front of your parents. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot." Zach just responds with a cute giggle-like laugh and a peck on the lips that makes me smile and nuzzles my face in his neck to hide my embarrassment. It was clear that Zach and Grays parents were still very confused with who I was so Gray thought he would give his input.

"Harlow is Zach's future wife. She is awesome." Gray states matter-of-factly and I snort and Zach pulls me in even closer if that was even possible. I decide to suck it up and just get introductions over with so I pull away from Zach and walk up to the couple.

"Hi, my name is Harlow and I was a guide slash babysitter for you sons while they were at the park. It's lovely to meet you Mrs. and Mr. Mitchell." I say with a smile and put my hand out for handshakes. Instead of the simple handshakes, they both pull me in for a hug.

"She practically saved our lives, multiple times so she is pretty cool." Gray adds when their parents let go of me. I laugh at this and then move to stand by Zach again.

"So what is going on here?" Mrs. Mitchell asks with a suspicious smile as she gestures to Zach and I being all close and affectionate.

"Um...well?" I start but then close my mouth because I don't know what we are. Friends that kiss? Just talking? Or dating? I have no idea.

"This is my....girlfriend?" Zach almost questions as he looks down at me for approval and squeezes my hip. I look up at him in surprise but quickly turn into a grinning mess.

"Girlfriend." I confirm and Zach's smile widens and he leans down to peck my lips.

"I already like her more than that blonde." His dad states and I laugh as his mother agrees.

Zach turns to face me and I hold him tightly in a hug as I press my right cheek into his chest. As Zach talks to his parents his chest rumbles and I just stand silently appreciating the touch of Zach's arms draped over my shoulders.

"Is it crazy to say that I love you after such a short time Harlow?" Zach whispers to me and I feel my heart beat skip and my cheeks redden deeply.

"Yes. But I love you too Zach." I whisper back to him and his grip on me tightens as he plants a kiss on the top of my head.


Thanks for readinggggggg hope you enjoyed it a lil bit. Check out my other stories if you would like, if not then it was nice having you and goodbyeeeeee. 

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